Thanks for the interest everyone ^^! I wasn't expecting so many people so soon xD.

Haha, okay soooo I'm going to tag you guys now.

[@DJAtomika][@Leoven][@Arista][@13 Critics][@LowKey123][@Jpp188][@SleepingSilence]

Soooo here's what we're going to do. I'm going to give you guys the character sheet and a few days to work on your OCs ^^! I've yet to finish mine as well, wasn't expecting a ton of people to show up all at once (but hey xD this makes me a happy fox). When everyone has finished their sheets, I'll review them, pick 2-4 people then set up the OOC so the actual brainstorming and relationship building can begin there.

[h2]Character Sheet[/h2]

[b]Appearance:[/b] (Anime photo please)
[b]Age:[/b] (15+ please, I don't want any 10-year-old Pokemon masters here xD)
[b]Biography:[/b] (Doesn't have to be as long as the great wall of China. Just give me the basics and we're good. Seriously though, someone gave me a bio that was ten pages long once <.<)
[b]Pokemon Team:[/b] (Please include a bit of info about each Pokemon)
[b]Inventory:[/b] (Don't want anyone to suddenly pull out a sub-machine gun or 100 healing potions)

Anyways, have fun guys :)! I'll get my CS up ASAP but it might take a few days at most since my parents are visiting at the moment. Also, if anyone else wants to hop in and toss up a character sheet, go ahead! This'll remain open for a few days at the very least and a week at most.