[quote=@13 Critics] Hey guys. I finally sort of put together a character. I think he is ready for some action. http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/79678-rpguild-ranking-headquarters/char?page=3#post-3413064 I'm learning here so anyone willing to show me the ropes and help point out things after I miss them would be great. [/quote] I'll be your opponent! I'll fight you with any of these 3 [hider=The Notorious Half-Elf] [b]Name:[/b] Halen Vayne-Claymore [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://img0.ndsstatic.com/wallpapers/80372dccd79e2075feff8f5c99f59581_large.jpeg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 78 (around 26 in his half elven life span years) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Half-Elf [b]Rank:[/b] Hired Mecernary Initiate [b]Personality:[/b] Halen's viciously tough life has shaped him many times. Born with resentment in his heart and always touted as an outcast he learned very early that he would have to look out for himself. Also in his storied career as a beast hunter has made him somewhat animal like in nature, being very in-tune with his natural surrounding and having to think like a beast to track them. Recently though he has found relative peace in his heart since getting married to his new wife [hider=Malorie Vayne] [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-1eUOe52f-iw/UQGHeXioDfI/AAAAAAAAAJk/5j3DKMjIhdA/s320/eso+bosmer+female.png [/img][/hider] whose name he took proudly. So as a husband who is now thinking of starting a family he carries himself in a more respectful and humble manner although the nasiter sides of his personality will rear their head occasionally. [b]Bio:[/b] Halen was born in land (or realm) much different to the one he currently finds himself in. He is the illegitimate offspring of an Elven Queen mother and a Beserker Human Father. The circumstances of his conception are widely known to be rape (when the beserker came and attacked the kingdom). The Queen decided to keep the child and give birth to half elf boy who the kingdom hated, not just for his human blood (humans were forbidden from the realm) but for the horrible event which his very existence represented. Because of this his mother was forced to exile him and her first son and Halen's older brother Redswift (who was meant to be king) Decided to leave in disgust of the elven kingdom's politics and find his own way and maybe also reunite with his brother. Halen had a long and storied career after being outcasted that cant be covered here but he became a very famous and powerful beast hunter and occasional mercenary and was able to come to terms with his half elven heritage and once meeting his also Half Elven wife Malorie he decided to carry his heritage with pride. Now he wants to find his brother Redswift who is on a personal journey to learn more about the elven people from other lands other than the closed off community he was born in. Redswift had traveled to [b]Talmaria[/b] as a royal envoy to speak with the politicians at the Relastmina din Unadine for more information and the possibility of forming a relationship with his own secret elven kingdom which he left to build bridges with other elfs for a brighter future. Halen has now offered his skills to the Templars as a hired initiate. He hopes to not only bring peace to his soul by doing righteous work but also to locate his brother along the way. [b]Weapons: [/b] -Large 2-Handed Claymore Sword forged by Chaos Dwarves -Elven Bow with special beast-killer arrows -Brass knuckles made from Orca scales -Collection of traps and tools for hunting. [b]Magic and Abilites:[/b] [u]Cryomancy Expert[/u] (the only magic Halen has ever learned and practiced) Halen's extensive experience using Cryomancy has made him an intermediate user of the ice magic. With focus he can freeze a limb or two of a stationary target given enough time. Hurl Ice spikes. Drop the temperature around him to freezing levels. And freeze the floor to become slippery 'black ice'. He can also freeze his own fists to become rock-hard ice gauntlets. But this takes a lot of discipline as the cold will still irritate him. [u]Master Hunter[/u] Halen is still a hunter and carries many tools and traps to catch any animal and most beasts, this includes nets, poisons, rope, snares, and bait. Halen has been hunting beasts for nearly 60 years and has basically killed or captured every mythological, rare or dangerous creature you can think of which has given him an encyclopedia style knowledge on all living things and how to handle them. His many adventures and bounties have trained him how to subdue man-sized enemies with his bare hands. Knowing how to wrestle a 5 foot lizard into submission has saved him more than once. [u]Half Elf Combat[/u] Halen has been fighting nearly his whole life and has become a combat veteran, especially with his oldest and most trusted weapon: [i]The Claymore Sword[/i]. A large two handed blade which can cleave a griffin in half with a mighty enough swing. The blade is heavy, but Halen has most of the Agility and precision of a wood elf combined with the raw muscle of a human beserker. Which makes his physical attributes to wield the blade. Whether it be against vicious monsters or one on one duels. Halen is also adept with elven longbow. Although he is much better using it as a stealth/stationary weapon rather then firing while moving. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [hider=Quiet Half-Elf Pride] [youtube=Lhv_yFMuwxs]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfQ4DiRzd14[/youtube] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=The Endless Monk] [b]Name:[/b] Xing Yi [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Weight:[/b] 153 lbs [b]Height:[/b] 5'7 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Class:[/b] Shaolin Monk [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/39/28/6b/39286ba412d236bf200ae15ffa889a4d.jpg[/img] [b]Abilities:[/b] Xing Yi is an expert shaolin fighter who has spent over 50 years training in the realm of the endless mountains, a magical dimension where time stands still (hence why he is still only 29). Because of this he has mastered abilities in his prime that even some of his masters weren't able to achieve until their old age years. He is a master at his his own 'Endless' Style Shoalin Kung Fu, Hapkido, Kenpo, and Bajiquan. Needless to say, he can execute these dangerous moves with almost superhuman percision and his body is trained to the amazing levels of the best shaolin monks across the world. In particular his 'Iron Shirt' technique allows him to withstand damage from swords, spears and iron clubs, though doing this constantly will severley weaken him and make him temporarliy slow and groggy. He also has a moderate understanding of some ancient Chinese magic, and is able to focus his mind to read simple thoughts, although this can be blocked by a similarly trained martial artist or a individual with considerable willpower. He is also able to communicate directly to others telepathically without speaking or being near them. He has used this as a fear and stealth tactic in the past. Xing also has a spirit finely tuned to all life forms and can sense all living things, plants or animals around him. His mind is also able to see spirits and other ghost like entities. Though without his equipment he cannot fight or interact with the stronger etheral types. [b]Equipment:[/b] Given to him by his master at the Endless Temple, he has one item each respectivley forged by one of the 4 Gods they are: [i][u]The Fang of the Azure Tiger[/u][/i] [img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o617/redsvn/2015/02/Zulfiqar.jpg[/img] A magical chinese sword which is blessed from the gods, it is unbreakable and is unable to be wielded by anyone that isn't a servant of the tiger god. It can hurt spirits and other etheral beings, and can be used to banish evil spirits to whence they came. The Sword has a special ability that will absorb and destroy the weapon so it cannot be used for the rest of the battle. He can make a short prayer to the gods which will take a few uninterrupted moments to withdraw the sword into his body and instantly heal all damage done to him, restoring him to 100% health. If interrupted while saying his prayer, he may only get a smaller healing bonus and his sword with vanish anyway. [i][u]The Robes of the great Turtle[/u][/i] Although they may only be lightweight shoalin robes to most, a servent of the great turtle may harness their hidden powers to become a shield to magical attacks, though not invunerable, a wearer is able to shrug off a low level fireball, and maybe able to survive being hit by a strong magic bolt. Although powerful arcane magic can destroy these robes, yet the robes will 'sacrifice themselves' to save the wearers life once before being disintegrated, such is the mercy of the Great Turtle. [i][u]Beads of the Blue Dragon[/u][/i] Xing Yi's Beads allow him to fire powerful ki blasts of holy flaming energy at his opponents, these are devestating to evil or malovelent spirits but are less powerful on warriors of justice. against a completely pure being such as a preistess or an angel, the blasts actually have a healing effect. XIng Yi has not fully mastered these blasts and will sometimes drain too much of his own life force if he doesnt use the blasts sparingly. The power of the blue dragon is as such that Xing could probably level a mountain if he chose but would almost definitely kill himself in the process. His also able to cover himself in the 'Dragon's Aura' for a short time which is much more safe, allowing him to fight faster and stronger for while and give himself increadible leaping abilites, enough to clear the roof of his temple in a single bound. Obviously this power has limitations based on the users energy/life force. [i][u]The Red Phoenix Rod[/u][/i] The Staff that Xing holds is a magical item which he doesn't carry with him, he can 'summon' its existence at anytime. It comes to form as an unbreakable weapon which can become as hot as the pheonix's flames itself but only to it's opponents and those who aren't servants of the phoenix. It can take the form of a bo staff (pictured), a pair of nun-chucks, red gauntlets, or a long bow with an endless supply of arrows. All of these weapons Xing is trained to use with a unprecedented level of skill, though his personal favorite are the gauntlets. [/hider] [hider=The Crimson War-Princess] [b]Name:[/b] Rodetta The Red [b]Age:[/b]26 [b]Height:[/b]5'10 [b]Weight:[/b]158 lbs [b]Appearance:[/b][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/47/85/11/478511cc713478c07a2d0b91e1d19176.jpg[/img] [b]Abilities & Background[/b]: Rodetta is the 4th daughter of the Warlord King Ifream the Red. A noble yet ruthless conquerer who bonded his spirit and body to that of an ancient dragon, which made him incredibly powerful but aggressive and hungry for glory in battle. His daughter Rodetta inherited some of her father's fire dragon abilities, and she works as the princess guard (although she is a princess herself) for her 3 older sisters. Of all of the children, her love for battle is greatest, even equal to her vicious father. [u]Pyromancy[/u] As an heir to the Dragon-King she has an innate natural ability with fire magic. She can hurl fire balls, cover herself in a flaming aura, raise the temprature of an indoor room (the smaller the more effective), and at her very best levels of exertion she can create explosive magic fire bombs which she can detonate and also thrust her hands into the earth, and sprout a very small volcano to sprout and erupt underneath her opponent, though the greater range this is done at the weaker the attack will be. It must be noted that she can still be damaged by [i]others fire magic[/i] but is immune to her her own and natural fire. [u]Dragon's Blood[/u] Although technically a human, she has the spirit and blood passed down from her father which gives her the ability to telepathically speak to dragon's and know where they are. Also able to call upon smaller drakes and baby dragons to fight by her side(but only for short intervals). She is also resistant (but not immune) to most dragon fire breath. Her most special abiltiy is one that not even her father can do, she is able to sprout dragon wings from her back, in times of great stress, and take flight, although this is at the cost of her human reasoning, and her normal high levels of skill and strategy will be traded for a natural dragon's rage. Although she benefits from a short burst of superhuman strength, she will not be able to use any weapons that a human would, simply preferring to rely entirely on fire magic. [u]War Princess:[/u] Since age 10 Rodetta has been training to do her bloodline proud as a spirit of war. She is an expert with the shield and longsword combination and is also very adept with the Pike, Great-sword, and Battle Axe. She has little training with projectile weapons as she usually relies on her fire magic, but has a base level of skill with the crossbow. She is also a master strategist, experienced in leading army units, but specializes in small attack forces of 2-6, she is prideful but is also surprisingly good at working in a team.She is in amazing fighting shape and has trained her human body to be a weapon, she is tough, agile and has the will of a dragon, which means she is absolutely impossible to intimidate. She can also speak in dwarvern and chaos tounges, as part of her research into possible enemy tribes. [b]Equipment[/b]: [u]Dragonpride and Ironcrest[/u] Her sword dragon pride has no real magic qualities but it is made of silver and mythrill, which makes it consistently sharp, and able to hurt werewolves, vampires and ghouls with great effectiveness. Its material compound makes the sword nigh unbreakable. The weapon is perfectly balanced for Rodetta's strength and dexterity. Ironcrest is made from Iron and Dragonsbone, which makes it also nearly impossible to break, and has fire proof qualities. Although quite heavy, Rodetta is highly trained with this particular shield and uses its weight for heavy offensive sheild bashes to break her opponents stance and open the guard. [u]Red Plate Armour[/u] Her armour is made from the kingdom's finest steel and has been woven with dragonscale, which makes it very light weight and tough, though the armour has many weak points to allow for mobility and can be damaged because of its low density. The trade off is that she can move in the armour as if she was wearing nothing at all because of its easy access. [u]Caltrops[/u] Small multi-spikes that she carries that she can throw on the ground to injure opponents as they walk or run over them. Good tool for assailaints that are chasing her. Rodetta's armour protects her feet from these. [u]Royal Javelin Of The Red[/u] This is a spear that Rodetta fights with while her sword is sheathed. Its has the same properties as her blade but is at its most effective when thrown because of its magical ability to 'home in' on living creatures, the stronger the life force the more powerful the tracking abilites. Of course even without this ability, Rodetta is a very accurate with a javelin anyway. [/hider] Ranked match, I'll pick the stage.