My apologies on taking so long with this. Real life intervened with me. [hider=My Hider] [u]Name[/u] Viktor Euphen the 4th [u]Age[/u] 24 [u]Gender[/u] Male [u]Appearance[/u] Viktor has long, striaght black hair that drops down just past his shoulders that he usually has tied up in a ponytail. He is of average height, and weight but has sunken eye sockets and protruding cheekbones, making him look skeletal despite not being overly skinny. Viktor is cleanly shaven and has an extremely pale skin. He is dressed very well for an adventurer, although the recent years have not been so kind to his attires; a long maroon coat that was once magnificent but is now worth no more than any other coats worn by average adventurers, a pair of tough leather boots that has seen better days and notably, a longsword crafted from the highest quality metal, with its hilt embedded with several precious gems and engraved in gold. Other than that he is wearing a maroon feathered wide-brimmed hat. [u]Personality[/u] Viktor is neither a follower nor a leader. He can be very regal and noble, capable of having charisma of a worthy leader. However, he dislikes being the leader of others and having a heavy responsibility for the others. He prefers to stand in the sidelines in a group, mostly allowing the real leaders to make decisions but tackling their logic and soundness when he sees fit. He can be extremely critical but insightful as well as being well-learned and educated. Viktor has trouble making human connections as the world he knew as he grew up is vastly different from the one he is in now. He has adapted for the most part, having the knowledge and skills to survive out in the streets by himself. However, he never fully connects with any non-royalty as he often has trouble understanding a lot of "normal" things regarding commoners. To that end, Viktor always seems distant and aloof, sometimes arrogant but mostly lonely. [u]Background[/u] Viktor is the son of the noble House of Euphen. When he reached the age of 5, Lord Daron, the ruler of the local kingdom, adopted Viktor to become a childhood mate of Daron's only son, Prince Moren. Viktor was raised alongside the Prince as if he were his own blood-brother for 15 years. Viktor and the Prince grew very close together, as they were the only true friends they ever had as they grew up since Lord Daron fathered no other children since Moren. Young Viktor would often be the analytical voice of reason for Moren, while the Prince was the charismatic and charming leader growing up to replace Daron when the time came. Despite their personality differences as they grew up, they still remained to be the closest of friends, Moren appreciating Viktor's knowledge and intelligence while Viktor was content supporting the Prince in his seat of power. However, during the Prince's 20th birthday celebration, an assassin made an attempt on Moren's life, coming extremely close to succeeding at his mission. While the Prince's life was saved, unfortunately he was heavily injured and fell into a deep coma. Investigations afterwards hinted that the House of Euphen was responsible for sending the assassin to kill the Prince. Naturally, Viktor Euphen was placed under arrest immediately on charges of crime against the crown. While there was no definite proof that the Viktor had anything to do with the attempted assassination, his political rivals were quick to accuse him and even crafted false-evidence in order to remove him from the political games. King Daron, believing in Viktor's innocence, secretly arranged for Viktor's escape. Viktor managed to run far, evading his enemies' eyes to other kingdoms too far for their influences. Slowly, he began to adapt to the lifestyle of a wondering man, doing odd jobs for money. His pride and power all but gone from him, being no higher than any other man on the street. For years now, he has wandered with nothing but his past memories. Yet Viktor has made a vow; to take on a great challenge, one that will allow him to return to his rightful place by the Prince Moren's side. [u]Motivation[/u] Viktor hopes that whatever is on the other side of the adventure, will cleanse his reputation and return his past life to him. Even if he fails at finding something that will aid him, he calculates that the sheer fame and glory from making the journey will gain him enough influence throughout the lands to attempt to cleanse his false accusations. [u]Equipment[/u] Other than the clothings described above, Viktor wears a simple wool shirt and cloth pants. His longsword is an elegant weapon befitting of royalty, one of the only pieces of his past he still owns. It has engraved decorations of gold and silver along with a large precious gem embedded within the hilt. A simple bag where he keeps his meager belongings, including fire-starters, small bits of dried rations and a canteen. Also has a very small knife with a dull blade. Viktor does have a small stash of valuables which he has managed to hold on to such as gold coins and small gems such as diamonds. [u]Traits[/u] Intermediate Weapons - You are trained with more advanced weapons, such as one-handed swords, lances and axes. +2 Affluent - You belong to the (very thin) upper crust of society, and have the wealth to prove it. +3 Intelligent - You are naturally smart. +2 Learned - You are literate and have a relatively advanced education, in comparison to the common man. +2 Proud - You are unused to harsh living conditions or menial labor, and unwilling to perform degrading tasks. -2 [/hider]