[hider=Retired][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/QqPaoyy.png[/img][/center] [center][i][b]"Even a rose has it's thorns."[/b][/i][/center] [center][img]http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r181/lydyn1/Divider3_zpsg5bcaro7.png[/img][/center] [center][h3][b][color=2cbaff]I N F O R M A T I O N[/COLOR][/B][/h3][/center] [b][color=2cbaff]Alias:[/color][/b] The Black Rose [b][color=2cbaff]Age:[/color][/b] 23 [b][color=2cbaff]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=2cbaff]Family:[/color][/b] Mother; Jasmine Faye (Deceased), Father; Richard Faye (Deceased), Half-Brother; Jason Faye (Estranged), Half-Sister; Jessica Faye (Estranged) [b][color=2cbaff]Occupation:[/color][/b] Former Librarian Assistant [b][color=2cbaff]Appearance:[/color][/b] During her causal wear, she tends to dress with a cross between functional and very feminine, often wearing shorter skirts with leggings and loose-fitting shirts. She also tends to favor black fingerless gloves, regardless if she's in her outfit or not, also pairing a unique look with a pair of [url=http://8de5129b4cba039e8873-a7528b8c79aca198a9641f20a435da48.r88.cf2.rackcdn.com/product-hugerect-240495-87901-1380030135-431cc2398d7aa23c72f92d4efa3cd363]boots[/url] (though they are often tied tighter than most styles). While at night patrolling the streets, she dresses in a black outfit and speaks volumes about freedom of movement compared to anything that might deemed protective. Most notably it includes a longer jacket as well as a cowl to keep her face mostly hidden, which is tied in a specific way to keep it from falling backwards. ([url=http://i.imgur.com/zF3nf4G.png]Picture[/url]: but imagine replacing all the belts with actual cloth/leather) [center][img]http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r181/lydyn1/Divider3_zpsg5bcaro7.png[/img][/center] [center][h3][b][color=2cbaff]P O W E R S[/COLOR][/B][/h3][/center] [b][color=2cbaff]Method of Operation:[/color][/b] Melrose is fairly well known as a vigilante, striking mostly during the night hours, with a hidden identity, and less than lawful methods. Still, she is known to be one of the more morally-focused ones, avoiding any deaths whenever possible. Her range of duties, as it were, essentially range from anything that catches her eye - from simply store robberies to challenging entire gangs and even some of the more organized crime. Because of this, so is less welcomed in the criminal underworld and has earned the nickname, "The Black Rose," something to signify her femininity but also the fear and hatred they have for her - some even call her "The Black Widow" out of anger. Otherwise she is known more so for her close-combat style and seemingly inability to be hit or captured, even when an entire gang is loaded with automatic weapons - not to say she always wins. [b][color=2cbaff]Superpower:[/color][/b] [b]Adaptable Prediction & Intuitive Aptitude[/b] Melrose's powers are specifically geared towards combat and skill oriented situations. Unlike many others, her abilities seem less fantastical, unable to conjure or manipulate elements, teleport, throw cars, or communicate with technology. Instead she has a particular set that allows her to: • Interpret and predict enemy attacks and react to the incoming attack, brush off or avoid the incoming attacks even from dead angles. • Instantly learn and understand the complexity and exactness of organisms, objects, subjects, fields, powers, etc. The normal requirements for this is either her direct interaction with said object, etc. or a more detailed description of the area. • Retain most learned information very well - though not perfectly. Still, it only takes a moment to relearn something she may have forgotten. • Have peak stamina & strength (for a woman), her body's way of compensating for her learning ability, giving her the chance to use any and all of her skills. This never diminishes. Weaknesses are despite her ability to predict, she can still find herself in situations where she is outnumbered and outgunned, forcing her to retreat. She also can't react to something that is much faster than her (namely super speeds or highly enhanced speed). Otherwise, while she can instantly learn skills and movements from just seeing them, she cannot copy supernatural powers, only gleam information from them. Not to mention, she has no supernatural offensive or defensive capabilities herself. [b][color=2cbaff]Skills:[/color][/b] • Master Martial Artist. Knows various styles, letting her mix-match her attacks into her own unique style - usually focused on avoidance until she can make quick, powerful blows. • Other Martial Skills, including: Blades, Bows, Throwing Knives, Handguns, Automatic Weapons, & Shotguns. • Lockpicking. • Expert Acrobatics & Free-running. • Stealth Techniques • Hacking • Other Skills non-relating to her night "outings." [b][color=2cbaff]Equipment:[/color][/b] Her equipment is mostly her outfit, lockpicks for physical locks (no keypads or such), throwing knives, and a pair of daggers. [center][img]http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r181/lydyn1/Divider3_zpsg5bcaro7.png[/img][/center] [center][h3][b][color=2cbaff]P E R S O N A[/COLOR][/B][/h3][/center] [b][color=2cbaff]Personality:[/color][/b] Melrose is an interesting sort. It isn't often that you find a vigilante that is willing to bloody her hands and still be a complete nerd when it comes to fantasy and sci-fi stories, though it might be more accurate to say she is a believer of heroics than just a normal fangirl. So it's no surprise that she is a natural introvert and tends to keep to herself more often than not during large gatherings, yet she had developed enough social skills and initiative to approach others - sometimes. Melrose can still be very shy during certain situations, especially if it's around another woman she happens to have a crush on, but in spite of this quality she is still a very determined, driven individual. However her ability to learn anything can (and has) often come across to others as arrogance, when in reality, she is simply stating or relating facts - or at least that's her intention. To some, it might be a surprise when they find out how confident she truly can be, especially in the face of danger. Of course her powers assist with this, but even with them, most people tend to see her more or less among those who are normal humans - though with a genius-level intellect (despite that she is not). Coupling with this is a unique mixture of naive idealism and absolute resolve, giving way to a woman that will do practically anything to help her city. The other part of her personality, in more causal settings, is one of a friendly if a bit quiet woman. She tends to enjoy more relaxing activities such as reading books, watching movies, discussions, and [admittedly] video gaming. She is also a romantic at heart and even though she is generally unhopeful of the future, she still keeps her eyes out for the woman that she might call her own. [b][color=2cbaff]Biography:[/color][/b] Born to the higher-end neighborhoods of Millennium City, she had known a financially secure childhood with plenty of books and games to spare. However her childhood was a lonely one, with her mother having passed at childbirth and her father being away on business almost all of the time. Instead she was raised by several nannys, none of which stayed long enough to form an actual true bond, which resulted in feelings of abandonment. It did not help that she didn't get along with most other children, mostly because she would cry too much. Drawing upon her teenage years, she was both instantly aware and confused by her own self. Most of the girls were giggling and flirting with boys and while most of them pitied her for not getting many admirers, she felt it was a blessing. Nothing about the boys interested her, but she found some confusion that the girls did. Thankfully, she had always been the intelligent type and caught on quickly - she was lesbian. Unlike most in her situation, due to her unpopularity, she wasn't harassed much for being that way. Of course it also resulted in even deeper feelings of loneliness and depression, but she pushed on regardless, alone. When she finally made it to the college stage of her life, her father paid for the entirety of it without a second thought, and without a care for what she wanted to do. Having grown up around books and games, she felt most comfortable in a library - surrounded by lore of all types. So she decided to try and get a Master's in Librarian Science. Meanwhile, to starve the boredum away (since she had all the money), she took a position at the college library as an assistant and being practical, made sure it could pay for her apartment and bills. As fate would have it, it wasn't four months after her position that she came to find out that her father had died during a gun fight... with the police. It quickly came to light that he was a criminal lord and had fought to his last breathe. Unsurprisingly, Melrose felt little of his passing, since he had practically become a stranger to her. However her anger towards his chosen lifestyle lead her to the delay of his will, refusing the money left behind, calling it 'dirty and bloody.' Her powers later manifested themselves as she was upgrading her computer - of all things. It did so quietly and without fuss, as she was installing another stick of RAM, she found herself toggling switches on the motherboard, booting up BIOs and overclocking her desktop without so much as a single mistake. Afterwards, she could only sit there, staring at the screen before finally asking herself, "how the hell did I just do that?" This continued on for another week, as she picked up skill after skill of varying degrees, from cooking, cleaning, fixing her door, and even stopping to explain to a stock broker advanced techniques of the market holdings. Before she knew it, she was looking down at the face of fate. All her life she had been awed and wooed by the heroics weaved by fantasy tales and there was something deep inside her that wished she could've been born with powers, with the ability to walk the streets and help those in tough situations, to at the very least bring down the crime rate so families felt safe. Finally, she had that opportunity. Not only a month after she had turned her father's will away, she was back asking for the money again, knowing she would need it if she was going to focus on this task - or at the very least, feeling it was needed to redeem where the money had come from. The rest, learning of her predicting, and stamina, and strength, simply came to her over time as she was forced into dangerous scenarios. It's been a year now and she's known as [i]The Black Rose[/i]. [b][color=2cbaff]Theme Song:[/color][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLS378rCjxw]Heal My Wounds[/url] [b][color=2cbaff]Relationships:[/color][/b] [hider=Relationships][b]Ditch:[/b] [i][color=83fb38]Mostly Positive[/color][/i] Rose is impressed by the woman. Regardless if she has powers, it's obvious she doesn't use them very often, which has essentially made her a [i]'normal'[/i] that risked her neck to recruit other supers to work as a team. She might not know much besides her name, but she enjoys her company. Still, she has some doubts Ditch thinks anything special of her, making her [i]slight[/i] crush basically pointless - who knows how long it'll last. [b]Levi 'ElectroBoy' Lynn:[/b] [i][color=fbd538]Slightly Negative[/color][/i] Rose just sees Levi as a teenager still, despite his age, though one that's had a tough break in life. Still, it's not an excuse for violence and throwing fits. Melrose can't fault him too much though, since he hasn't actual hurt anyone physically when he can do a lot of damage. He's just hurt and taking it out on others. [b]RavenTale:[/b] [i][color=befb38]Slightly Positive[/color][/i] Melrose admires her for not only being blind and independent, but deciding to do more than just ride horses - actually going out and helping people. Still, her hesitation at the first meeting put her slightly off. Maybe Raven just needs to trust a bit more, but at the same time, you're always putting the ones you love at risk doing this work. [b]Omega:[/b] [i][color=befb38]Slightly Positive[/color][/i] Again, she admires why he's doing this and he seems like a decent man. However no matter how much you see online about someone, it still doesn't speak about who a person is - their character. She still needs to see more. [b]Turn Back:[/b] [i][color=effb38]Indifferent[/color][/i] While emphatic to his blight, like Omega, she doesn't actually know the man or who he is. [b]Wraith:[/b] [i][color=fb3838]Negative[/color][/i] Most of what Rose finds negative in Wraith in her operations. Her apparent disregard of human life appalls her and while she isn't always one to speak up, she really wants nothing to do with the teenager. Rose is sorry that her parent were murdered, but that isn't any excuse. [b]Reaper:[/b] [i][color=befb38]Slightly Positive[/color][/i] Without knowing much else than information found, which implies the Zoey isn't greedy so much as she's unaware, Rose can't say much about her character. After the news release of her restoring the apartments to an affordable price has given her hope. [b]Ecto:[/b] [i][color=effb38]Indifferent[/color][/i] A bit unsure of this one. He was essentially a nerd - which she does enjoy - but he also doesn't seem to have done anything specific in his time as a vigilante, bringing her to the conclusion that she'll just wait and see. [b]Tank:[/b] [i][color=83fb38]Mostly Positive[/color][/i] Despite his past efforts of being a little rough on criminals, Rose doesn't feel she can judge that particular choice. She gets the feels from both the meeting and the reports online that he means good - he's just a bit rough - she's been a bit rough herself in some cases. As it stands, she gets a rather positive feelings from the big guy. Especially after their little 'run in.' [b]Graffiti:[/b] [i][color=fb9038]Mostly Negative[/color][/i] While it was indifferent before, her opinion has quickly and drastically gotten worse. Really, it's all from one comment on trying to judge Rose and her powers without knowing a damn thing about her. She finds this false arrogance to be one of the most annoying things in the world. The funny thing is, Graffiti seems not so confident about her own powers, but Rose knows better.[/hider] [b][color=2cbaff]Extra:[/color][/b] Besides still being a nerd with heroic ideals, I feel it's important to point out that pretty much no one knows that her being 'smart' IS one of her powers. [i][b]"We're not normal."[/b] -Unknown[/i][/hider]