[quote=@BlackSam3091] Though if we're talking 616 Tony then that's a big fallacy. If we're talking combat training then he's had plenty of that from the likes of Steve Rodgers, Rhodey, SHIELD, ETC. On top of that he has far more suit-based combat experience than Bat's, which has to count for something. And, as D quite rightly points out, Tony's top-tier suits are ridiculously powerful. To beat Tony at his best, Bats would have to come in his best too, and I don't think it would all that cut and dry. [/quote] Depends, if 616 Tony was at the same point as Frontier Tony it would be a similar instance. Though you have a point, it also depends on Batman. If it was a random fight and he was caught off guard I'd give it to Iron Man but with preparation I'd say it'd go to Bats. Though you have a point, it depends on IC occurrences. [hr] It's all speculation in the end.