[quote=@BlackSam3091] Hmm If we're talking frontier Tony then that's a fair assumption to make, seeing as he hasn't actually had any IC stuff to prove himself (Although it's still just that, an assumption.) Though if we're talking 616 Tony then that's a big fallacy. If we're talking combat training then he's had plenty of that from the likes of Steve Rodgers, Rhodey, SHIELD, ETC. On top of that he has far more suit-based combat experience than Bat's, which has to count for something. And, as D quite rightly points out, Tony's top-tier suits are ridiculously powerful. To beat Tony at his best, Bats would have to come in his best too, and I don't think it would all that cut and dry. I don't know that much about Ted, but isn't he like the king of wasted potential? In that he's happy to just goof off when if he applied himself he could be a Batman-tier hero. [/quote] I'm not sure if it's [i]wasted[/i] potential so much as he's just a lot more relaxed than Bruce and Booster was a massively bad influence on him (He actually mentions on-panel at one point that he used to be a really serious and competent hero before meeting Booster) plus he's had major confidence issues. Not only that but depending on incarnation, the JLI team was ridiculously overpowered considering at various points it had Captain Atom, Martian Manhunter, Doctor Fate AND a Green Lantern all on the same team, so a lot of the time they relegated Ted to transportation and comic relief. Once when he got serious, he casually modified his standard taser to become powerful enough to K.O. Metallo in one hit and in a second instance he was able to beat an energy vampire that previously took the entire JLA to beat by converting Booster Gold's force field into an energy draining device. I haven't found scans, but I've also heard there was an issue where he was brainwashed and took down most of his own team with Batman commenting that a serious Ted could give him a run for his money.