[color=lime][i]There were very few bright lines in interstellar law. Made up of over 160 independent world and colonial governments, the universe preferred to operate laissez-faire. The laws enforced by the Green Lanterns were for the protection of society at large. Murder. Narcotics. Slavery. And the Golden Rule: If a world didn't possess the technology to go out into space, then space stayed out of their world.[/i][/color]

[color=lime][sub]"[b]Miami Vice[/b]" // Part 04 // [ [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t987p0f9y54]Post Theme[/url] ][/sub][/color][/center]

All the marvels of the cosmos, and still the boy was awed by the majestic wonder of the solar system.

The large storm swirling within Jupiter's atmosphere, a world so large that it defied belief. Then a vast stretch, like Route 66 through Death Valley, as one traversed through the asteroid belt. That in itself told a story. Many stories, with many different faces. Asteroids with their own orbiting moons. Comets passing along their orbits in the long, cold night of space. There were stretches of time where there was naught but darkest night, vast empty fields occupied by nothing. And then, it appeared. The red planet, with its irregular shaped moons -- Phobos and Deimos.

[color=lime][i]"...the preliminary report from the Ungaran Narcotics Division purports the alleged customer at the receiving end to be [b]the Kree[/b]."[/i][/color]

That one of the interstellar races would be involved was a given. Glitter by itself was a narcotic that had been trafficked heavily despite attempts at criminalizing it. To develop it into some kind of... [i]pharmaceutical[/i] implied that this was more than just a narcotics case. But to so prominently list a member of the Coalition Security Council invited disbelief. [color=lightgreen]"I would like to believe our interstellar partners are not so foolish,"[/color] the young monk opined, as his luminous green form crested over the world of Mars. 

It lay ahead of him. The destination. A mottled jewel of blue, white, and green.


[color=lime][i]"Would that I were so naive. As it stands, I've dispatched Ch'p to Ungara to collect evidence for presentation to the Guardians."[/i][/color]

Through the connection supplied by the ring, the young monk was discussing the developments in the investigation with [b]Salaak[/b]. In terms of the Green Lantern Corps, he was pretty much the Chief of Police. Even as he neared the lunar orbit, the boy hesitated toward his destination. [color=lightgreen]"Ungara is my responsibility. I should..."[/color]

[color=lime][i]"You should do as you are [b]instructed[/b], Green Lantern."[/i][/color]

How was one Green Lantern supposed to be responsible for multiple planets in a sector at once? It seemed there was wisdom in Salaak sending Ch'p to Ungara while Kai-ro pursued his leads elsewhere. [color=lightgreen]"As you say, [i]Clarissi[/i],"[/color] the boy responded meekly.

[color=lime][i]"If the Kree are on Earth, I will need a witness to that fact before I can bring this case to the Guardians. And, if the Kree are not on Earth, then whoever arranged for the shipment of narcotics will be. In either case, Earth holds the answer."[/i][/color]

Drifting out past the moon, the boy lingered in the emptiness that spanned the reach between Earth and sky. The lights of civilization popped out from the dark side of the world, while the light side radiated with a pristine blue purity as the light was scattered across the moisture of the atmosphere.

It was a home he had left behind months ago, never allowing himself to miss it for a moment until he looked down at the world beneath his feet and realized he had come home.

[color=lightgreen]"Earth,"[/color] the boy uttered, softly.