Except you constantly ask for information that doesn't exist. I even gave examples of spells that could and do fall under each school. There isn't any info on divination because its self explanatory from his sheet. Its clear he's quite skilled at divining magic. Its one of his major skills. It also isn't your call, again, to apply definitions to my magic simply because that's what works for you. Why should my abilities or knowledge be limited to a single definition simply because you'd like them to be that definition? Why should my evocation be anything other than what it is? Evocation happens to be a thorough school of magic with rules and laws governing it. Evocation, as far as the 8 schools of magic are concerned, is the manipulation of various energies for generally high power attacks. i specifically included elemental magic in my synopsis in pm's. Your lack of knowledge on the eight schools of magic isn't reason enough for me to have to alter their effect, description, or wording at all. I am also not metagaming in the slightest. Everything I've done has been possible with what is on my sheet, and had some form of previous mention. Nothing is being suddenly shown to you that had no mention or prep previously stated. The risk of metagaming is incredibly low on that front. If a judge wants to know what corban is capable of it is their right to ask and be answered. I shouldn't have to arbitrarily list things I never intended to list to you under the pretense of 'helping the judge'. That is a flimsy false pretense to make you privy to knowledge you shouldn't be privy to. I didn't ask you to make your sheet the way you made it, so using that as an arguing point is also moot. You are also falsely paraphrasing my profile. Carbokinesis and crystal magic are entirely separate abilities. Telling me that I can't use crystals or ice because they are not all carbon is the same as totally ignoring the section of my sheet that expounds on 'crystal magic'. The way he even made his polearm was based on crystal lattice principles and transmutation. Almost all metals are crystalline atomically. You are also applying arbitrary limits to my character. Why would it take a constant stream of mana to rob the kinetic energy out of surroundings? How would that even work physically? The liquid itself does that for him. Saying that my technique has to be prepped to be effective is also a moot argument. Preps are only outliners of raw power, not necessarily effectiveness. The spell effect does also not need to be permanent at all. If you'd like me to have a post limit on the spell it would be as simple as saying the word. I also don't get how you're a GM(assuming for a d&D campaign) and yet dont understand the most basic part of any spell casting class, which are the eight schools of magic. Edit: Cutting you off from your magic would also not take 'god-like' control. The proof is in my post. Its a tactical way of cutting you off from your source of power without relying on the 'control' part of the equation at all. Your issue seems to be more with what I did than how I did it, which I suspected from the start. Edit 2: His profile isn't 'half hidden' either. I said it before and I'll say it again, everything he can do is done using [b]what is present in his sheet[/b]. The only thing missing are his exact spells, which I feel should not be mandatory, anyway. You have no reason, other than personal convenience, to accuse me of metagaming. Edit 3: Where did you get that Corban has short-term memory loss? That isn't stated anywhere in the RP or his profile. If anything, his memory is above average. I honestly can see you have taken very little time to actually read my sheet, and have been skimming for convenient argument points. From the definition of his magics to the extent of his memory it has been clear you're grasping at straws.