So how does everything think things are going? If there's any constructive criticism about the general direction of the game, I'm all ears. It's still very early on but I think we have a nice mixture of interaction and solo arcs going on. I'm always one to err on the side of letting people do their own thing - I think game-wide events should be very few and far between, though if people are of the opinion that there should be more direction, I could be amenable to that. And also, if there are people that have hit a wall with their characters or are thinking about dropping them, I'd encourage you to say so, if only so that those of us in the OOC thread can either help you out - be that through general advice, helping with planning, and/or getting some interaction sorted out. I don't want anyone to feel like they have to stick with characters they've been accepted for if they are no longer feeling it. I know in some games there's a particularly unforgiving culture for dropping out but I'd sooner have happy, active posters IC than force people to stick with something after they've soured on an idea.