[quote=@Kingfisher] [@Modern Man] I've got some ideas for Kilgrave, but now that Moth's in the Kingpin's employ, I feel like it would be a good time to drop her. Would you mind if I were to switch her out and apply for a different character? [/quote] Who said [i]I[/i] wanted her? Ideally she should have been left in Gotham under the Hero character she's associated with. [quote=@Lord Wraith] I'm not sure if this is entirely fair of me, but I've had [@Roman] lined up as a 'Guest Writer' for my Joker for quite some time now. I can have him submit a sheet if need be. [/quote] [quote=@Morden Man] [@Lord Wraith] I think we get into slippery territory when we start having "guest writers" for characters. I mean, I trust in both of your abilities but once you start allowing it for [i]some[/i] people, it's difficult to turn around and tell other people they can't do it. Well, less difficult and more awkward. So maybe (either you or Roman) throwing up a sheet at some point could be a good idea. I know you're short on time though, so it's not a matter of urgency. [/quote] Wraith and I have discussed over skype and I was going to submit a sheet privately to the pair of you, but if it's needed I can quite easily post it here.