Been a long dang time since I’ve run a Pokemon battle. Heh…used to have a little site for it, ran several with some buddies. Had team formats and moveset rules and everything, alongside a mad overpowered Gardevoir who was basically a Trainer in her own right by the time that team was done. Go go sapient Psychic-types. People are always surprised at how vicious even semi-realistic Pokemon battles can get. I’m always like…”dudes. These are beings who can manipulate the primordial elements, batter enemies with raw telekinetic force, or which come with armor and weapons [i]actually[/i] built into their bodies. The Pokedex entries for the games specifically mention Pokemon who eat, or [i]burn[/i], souls, go on city-destroying rampages, live for a thousand years, generate BLACK FRIGGIN’ HOLES, and dozens of other ridiculous things. The only reason whatsoever that Pokemon battles aren’t Dragon Ball-level throwdowns is because Nintendo is allergic to maturity.”