[@Dazsos] Once again, you're building your argument on false data. Evocation does not at all absolutely require there be a verbal component to its spells. Furthermore, Corban is only D&D based. If I played it straight and true he'd also have stats and would function on dice rolls. D&D is the base of his powers because its a very universally liked and understood system. You are still reading the Merriam Webster dictionary version, and have yet to quote or link a single d&d source. Strange coincidence? I think not, for that would work against your argument.for probably the fourth time now, you cannot label my magic what is most convenient for you. Corban cannot 'summon any construct or ability under the sun' either. His abilities are primarily limited to what is capable within those schools of magic that at least has 'like' next to them. So yes, that includes the primary four elements, something many, many wizard/mage characters are also capable of. Expanding on the single-word terms, now. 'like' would not suffice by itself if a verb, such as 'abuse', which implies active use and not simply passerby knowledge wasn't also listed there. You only seem to notice and mention the 'vaguness' that you feel helps your argument, while ignoring everything else. Considering your next-to-zero knowledge about what is actually present on my sheet(remember when you thought two separately listed magics were the same? Remember when you assumed corban had short term memory because you didnt really read the sheet?), id be very careful about trying to quote it in the future. To expand further, I also gave you more in depth descriptions of each school and his skills and limitations with them in pm's. Stop using the 'one word' argument when you have far more than that to go off of because you specifically [b]asked[/b] for it. You can also drop the high tier argument. Your character has been capable of dealing with Corban at every step. Lets not get into how your character could eat a diamond bullet to the chest, and disintegrate literally [b]Everything[/b] with no preps or actual work put in. I've only given what's been given to me. Most mid-tier characters are superhuman. Isn't that specifically what sets it apart from low tier? The fact that the characters can have powers, and extra human physiology? Simply because you decided your character would not be metahuman in terms of physicality does not constitute my character being high tier. You already can control gravity, and you can already teleport, which I'm saying for the probably tenth time now. You have access to abilities just as 'taboo' as you seem Corban's abilities are. I personally have never met any combatant who can teleport and still calls that a 'mid tier' ability. Edit: My definition of evocation is not 'new' and it wasn't invented by me for one. For two, evocation does not at all function like a rune that can teleport a caster any distance in the confines of a ranked combat RP. Summoning energies into existence is far different than [i]moving yourself through space and time[/i]. That's like saying anything that summons anything from anywhere functions like teleportation. Lolwhat? Edit 2: I dont 'expect' you to know about d&d, but that's the system I use regardless. I berated you for claiming you are a d&d gm, yet couldn't be more ignorant of one its most important systems, misquoting and mislabeling it every time you get the chance.