Alright it's just getting out of hand now. I shouldn't have been so passive aggressive or sarcastic, cause now the debate is turning in to somewhat of a pissing contest.

Let's get down to the raw issues at hand here, no more spitting or namecalling.

Firstly, cast times. Your character did a lot in a 1-2 second cast time. Most wizard spells in D&D require an entire action post to use one spell. I count (summon earth clone, dig underground, summon kinetic bomb, summon cryogenic freezing application) 4 spells cast in an instant.

Secondly, since you didn't initiate this battle assuming I knew anything about D&D, I feel as though proper, accurate depictions of his full skillset are necessary. Typically I rely on the dictionary for explanations on words, not a guide book that you didn't mention until later.

You did give me a list of his abilities, after my prying. They are:

[i]Conjuration - Poor: Corban is not very skilled with spells that fall or function under the Conjuration class. Cross-planar portal creation is out of his reach, and he is not skilled at summoning creatures to his aid.

Enchantment - Skilled: Primarily learned from his close proximity to Ishtalle, whom owns a vast library of enchantments herself. Years of study has made Corban quite proficient at creating weapon and armor enchantments. Can be co-opted with Ishtalle for joint-enchanting. Elemental enchantments are common day variety, and his prime vocations of abjuration and transmutation can also have their principles applied. Despite corban disliking enchantments as an area of study, he nevertheless still knows what he's doing

Evocation - Gifted: Corban is a battle-mage by class, and half of that equation relies heavily on the use of powerful spells. These spells generally fall under the Evocation school, and are appropriately vehicles of great power, generally. Spell examples include elemental attacks such as 'bolt', or the iconic 'fire ball'. His vast experience and expertise in this school allows him to apply it in ever more creative ways.

Necromancy - poor: Corban is not very attuned to the flow of life energy, and has devoted little time to its practical study. He cannot reanimate corpses, or freely manipulate the flow of life and death like even a novice necromancer. 

Illusion - General: The principles of illusion-based magic are known to Corban, and he has devoted a note able amount of time to the fields study. However, he does not have ready access to spells that actually directly effect the senses in abstract ways. The principles of illusion however can be applied to his various other vocations.[/i]

The above is still vague.

Conjuration - You only explained what Corban cannot do, but not anything about what he can do.

Divination - This realm was left out, you didn't explain Corban's prowess with this skill to me.

Enchantment - I'm fine with this, it was the most explanatory synopsis.

Evocation - You only gave me two true examples. Lightning magic, and fire magic. Nothing about him controlling lightning or fire was actually mentioned in the initial character sheet, and your average joe who doesn't play D&D would assume Invocation doesn't mean mastery of any elemental magic. You were the one who referenced first, and Mirriam didn't mention fire magic, either. I'm honestly fine with this magic if - IF, I can see a good list of spells.

Necromancy - Again, you detail what Corban cannot do, without mention as to what he's capable of at all.

Illusionry - Minor detailing of how he understands illusions, and how to trick people. I'm fine with this, I guess.