Nonspecific, unofficial ruling (until I get the synopsis requested): Divinity - Defining the upper limits of the scope of your magical abilities would be helpful, as it is difficult to ascertain the upper limit of the types of spells he would be able to pull off in some of his schools of magic. For example, what would be an example of a difficult, but still potentially feasible spell of his strongest school of magic (in the tier you are currently fighting in)? Daz - You are already familiar with some of the issues I've had with Myron's abilities in the past. While you do better at including some of the specifics, there is some areas that you may want to define upper limits in your spells as well. Much of the last time I reviewed Myron stands in terms of areas where I am concerned. That, however, may be alleviated by clarifying the upper limits of Divinity and ensuring that yours are equal (either raised or lowered accordingly). General - I think both of you are probably pushing into high tier (even just reading through just the bios before the disagreement started).