[center][img]http://www.watchmojo.com/uploads/blipthumbs/Fi-M-Colossus-Origins-480p30_480.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [right][b]Chicago, Illinois. 1600HRS Local Time[/b][/right] Piotr sat underneath the a tree in the park, sketchbook on his knees as he focused his gaze from the notepad to where Ruth sat eating. He had made a habit of drawing all of his compatriots since becoming a member of the X-Men, as while his English had improved over the years he was still not the best at writing letters. So one day when he returned to Russia, or Illyana visited him here, he could show her all the amazing people he had met over the years. In some hope, that it could make up for his absence through her life. Many things pained him, though that was the heaviest burden of them all. It made him realize how hard it must have been for his brother to leave [i]him[/i] to go into space, a decision that in the end had cost him his life and set Piotr on this path. [hider=OpenMe] [img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/12/121886/2786019-greenlantern15_03.jpg[/img][/hider] Without second thought Piotr stood up, he could see the smoke billowing from a nearby building as people ran out coughing. Cars stopped and pulled over, one in particular raced away. That wasn't important now, he turned to Ruth. He threw his bag with all his sketches into her hands. [color=00a99d][b]"Wait here little one."[/b][/color] [color=fff200]"but I can..."[/color] [color=00a99d]"This time, you do as I say. Psychic powers do nothing against [i]fire[/i]."[/color] He broke into a run going for the building, he could hear screams from inside. At least one person remained in the building, and the flames burned too hot for anyone to get near the building. Ground shaking under him slightly as he ran, people turned to see what was coming towards him. Moving out of the way as he ran straight through the open door way into the flames without a second thought. Once inside the building he could feel the heat, though it did not burn his metal skin. Though when it came to picking people up he would have to be careful, less he burn their skin to his. Though he had little time. Moving up the stairs to the second floor, the crying became louder. Deciding that it was from the room to his right he kicked the door off it's hinges and ran into the room. In the corner sat a little girl, no older than Illyana had been when he had left. She screamed at the sight of him, he must have appeared to be truly frightening with all the was going on. His heart sank at that thought, though he could not linger. Not if he wanted for her to survive this. Moving over to the bed he grabbed her quilt before walking up to her. [color=00a99d][b]"Wrap yourself up in this, little snowflake. I am going to get you out of here."[/b][/color] Shaking hands, she took the blanket. Still sobbing as she did so. Once she was secure he picked her up and held her into his chest to protect her frail form as best he could. Walking back out of the door he headed for the stairs. "Wait!" Piotr stopped. "My brother-" The girl picked her head up, and managing to wind her arm out of the quilt, pointed to one of the other rooms. "-you have to get my brother!" [color=00a99d][b]"I cannot carry you both, but once I get you out I will return for him. On that, you have my word."[/b][/color] Using the quilt to pull her head back in he ran back down the stairs, a bit uneasy as they began to creak under his weight. He would need to be fast to get out and then back in as quickly as possible. He closed his eyes as he neared the door, flames licking at his face. He turned his torso against them. [color=00a99d][b]"I need some help here Comrades!"[/b][/color] They looked apprehensive but the second they saw the girl they didn't hesitate to move in. He could hear sirens now, that was a good sign. Without another word he ran back into the building, as he ran up the stairs he felt them begin to give way under his weight. Upon reaching the top they fell, had he not been moving forward at the speed he had been he was sure he would have fallen back onto the first floor. While that would not have done much damage it would have made any rescue attempt impossible. Heading down the hallway he saw a figure at the end of it, by an open window. They were fully robed, their features hidden. [b][color=00a99d]"You need to get out of here!"[/color][/b] The figure didn't say anything, but pulled something out from underneath his robes and threw it into the corridor. Right beside the door to the boys room. It began to flash and beep, the figure turned around and jumped out of the window. [i]A bomb.[/i] He ran towards it as the beeping began to increase in both pitch and tempo. [color=00a99d][b]"NO!"[/b][/color] Then there was a blinding light. [hr] [i]<"I knew this day would come. From the first time I saw you change, I knew that you were a gift. Like Mikhail, I knew you were a gift not just to [b]me[/b] but to the world.">* [b][color=00a99d]<"Father, what should I do?">[/color][/b] <"You already know. Just as Mikhail already knew when he asked me the same question. You cannot hide here, living in fear, waiting for them to come for you. Your gentle heart will turn hard and [b]cold[/b] to match your skin. If you want to protect Illyana, you know what you have to do.">[/i] [sub]*translated from Russian[/sub]