[center][img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11111/111118828/4027852-poison+ivy+banner.jpg[/img][/center] [right]???[/right] Ivy groaned as she regained consciousness. Her head pounded and her entire body throbbed. Her brain felt like it was stuffed full of cotton. It wasn't a pleasant experience. At least her plants had stopped screaming. Ivy gently reached out for her tree and felt...nothing. Ivy lurched upwards. Or rather, she tried to. Instead she found herself bound. Tightly. Ivy's eyes shot open and was greeted by blinding white light. She closed her eyes tightly and fought against a sudden vertigo. "You're awake." An unfamiliar male voice spoke. Their words were unusually loud. After effects of drugs; the rational part of her mind chimed in. Ivy choose to ignore the man. Instead she tested the bonds holding her. Straps. They weren't overly tight. Nor did they chafe. Coupled it new noises she was now noticing Ivy was willing to bet everything she was in a hospital. Poland? Ivy wasn't sure. The man spoke in English. Then again, they could have investigated her and figured she didn't speak Polish. "Ms. Isley, please don't make this harder on yourself." The man spoke again. This time, because Ivy was expecting it, she was able to detect a slight accent to his words. Not a native English speaker. He did speak quite well. Either he was well educated or had lived in an English speaking country for a time. Having not been around very many Polish English speakers, Ivy couldn't place his accent. They could be anywhere in the world for all she knew. With his words he was most likely a cop. "I know you are awake." The man was beginning to sound annoyed. Ivy reached out again for plants. Any plant this time. They were distant, strangled by human growth, but there. Grass, a small tree, a few potted plants, but that was it. Nothing that was remotely useful. Even if she could do anything, which she couldn't, so it was a moot point. That established Ivy opened her eyes once more. The light was still blinding. She snapped her eyes closed again. Artificial light was always harsh on her. Though third time was the charm. She was able to keep her eyes open and look around. She turned her head to the side and spotted the man. He was older. Had grey hair and a kindly looking face. "Good." The man sat up and looked her in the eyes. "Ms. Isley do you remember what happened?" "[color=1a7b30]-Ee.[/color]" Ivy croaked out. Her voice was raspy and thin. She licked her lips with what little moisture she still had. She missed the man move distracted as she was. However she did see the straw he held out. Ivy raised an eyebrow at him and he shrugged. As if to say '[i]drink or don't. I don't really care. But I'm not going to free you if that's what you want[/i]'. Ivy sighed and accepted the straw. When she was done he pulled the cup away and replaced it on the tray. He looked at her expectantly. "[color=1a7b30]It's not Isley. It's Ivy.[/color]" Ivy told him seriously. She no longer wanted the Isley name attached to her. She had left that life behind years ago. And the Isleys were more than happy to see her go. The man looked a little surprised but it vanished off his face as quickly as it had come. "Ivy then. What do you remember?" He pressed her again. "[color=1a7b30]Where am I?[/color]" Ivy countered instead. It irked her questioner a little. He was tired. She could see that as she studied him. Too many days awake. Even the coffee he had close at hand must not be making a dent anymore. "Answer the question." He told her sternly. Ivy didn't resist the impulse to roll her eyes. "[color=1a7b30]Are we really going to do this?[/color]" Ivy laughed. Her children sometimes did the same thing. They asked each other questions than refused to answer. It usually ended with a shouting match. One would yell, 'I asked first!' and the other would counter that it didn't matter. They wouldn't answer until the other kid did. Ivy enjoyed the fact that his eyebrow twitched a little. "Just answer-" "[color=1a7b30]The question. I know.[/color]" Ivy cut him off. She looked away from him and around the room. The blinds were drawn but it was dark outside. Night. She must not be in the city. Then again, if her baby had done it's work, it was possible she was in the city. There was just no power. The thought didn't fill her with joy. Her target hadn't been to cut off power. Her goal was to save the planet. Everything else was a side effect. "Ms. Ivy." The man tried again. "[color=1a7b30]Police? Federal agent?[/color]" Ivy asked as she turned to the man again. "[color=007236]Do you have a badge? Or do I start screaming?[/color]" The longer she was awake the more her wits returned. Ivy had always been a good actress, even if she never did anything with her skill in the professional sense. She was more than willing to use those skills against the people who impeded her. So as she spoke she added a little worry into her voice. Not much, but enough that he'd notice and think she was trying to hide it. "Michal Filipowski. Federal Agent as you Americans would say." Michal admitted and pulled out his badge. Ivy might have been strapped to a hospital bed and on drugs, but she still had it. She scanned the badge. It was in a language she couldn't read. She gave a small nod of her head and he took it away. He was silent and they looked at each other. She waited until he opened his mouth to repeat his question to interrupt. "[color=1a7b30]Remember what?[/color]" Ivy demanded. She added just a little more worry into her voice. "[color=1a7b30]Something that warrants me being tied to a bed?[/color]" She added a small choke on the word tied. She thought about adding in tears but it was probably a bit premature at this point. The officer looked a little uncomfortable at her words. Perhaps if he had been less tired he might have seen through Ivy. But he didn't and he was caving to her female in distress play acting. "[color=1a7b30]No.[/color]" Ivy decided to press her luck. She made her voice small and tiny, like she was afraid. Not that she wasn't afraid. There was fear there. Would she go to jail? Would they move her somewhere she could never feel light again? It would be easy enough for them to call her a mutant and make her disappear forever. "What do you remember?" Michal pressed, but more gently this time. Like he was afraid of being overly mean to her. "[color=1a7b30]I-we...[/color]" Ivy turned away from the officer. Well, just her head since she couldn't move the rest of herself. "[color=1a7b30]Please, where am I?[/color]" There was silence from the man. At first Ivy thought he wouldn't answer. Then he sighed. "Szpital Wojewódzki im. Jana Pawła II. Or rather, Capital Hospital for short." "[color=1a7b30]Still in Poland?[/color]" Since he couldn't see Ivy's face she added a small waver to her voice. As if she might cry any second. "Yes. You said there were others with you?" Ivy could hear him thinking over the implications. She hadn't targeted any of the surveillance systems. However it was doubtful they survived. His reaction confirmed it. The power station must have been massively damaged from her precious darling. If the size it was before she blacked out was any indication, it was big enough to destroy the entire station. "[color=1a7b30]A few of us.[/color]" Ivy took a deep breath and turned back to Michal. She made sure to look suitably regretful and nervous. "[color=1a7b30]My boyfriend, James, he convinced me to join. I love plants. That's why they call me Ivy[/color]" She offered the officer a small shaky smile. "[color=1a7b30]He said that the power station was polluting the environment and they were going to protest.[/color]" She swallowed thickly. "[color=1a7b30]Is James, is he okay? Can I see him?[/color]" She looked around the room again as if this fictional James might just appear out of nowhere. "Miss. Please, tell me what happened." The officer pressed, but he was looking less and less convinced that she had done anything wrong. She could see the lines forming. Poor girl. Used by her boyfriend. She didn't understand. This James was the one who should be blamed. "[color=1a7b30]I'm not sure.[/color]" Ivy continued in a small voice. "[color=1a7b30]It was all going okay as until we jumped the fence. Then it gets all jumbled up.[/color]" She frowned as if deep in thought. Which was entirely accurate. What would she say next? "Do you know if your boyfriend or any of your other friends have powers?" The officer asked as Ivy thought. "[color=1a7b30]Friends?[/color]" Ivy repeated as if the idea startled her. "[color=1a7b30]They weren't my friends. James had met up with them.[/color]" She ignored the part of his questions about powers. Ivy knew there were some very noticeable differences biologically in her body after her change. If they had only pulled out the bullet and gave her a transfusion, they might not have noticed. But if they ran her blood work? Ivy needed to play this next part very carefully. "What happened after you jumped the fence?" The officer must have decided to change tactics. Smart man. "[color=1a7b30]I'm not sure. I didn't want to go. But James said I had to.[/color]" Ivy worried her bottom lip a little and stopped making eye contact. Then she took a deep breath, as if to steel herself. "[color=1a7b30]I-we were making our way to the main building. But that's the last I remember.[/color]" Ivy paused then looked back up at the officer. "[color=1a7b30]Did I get shot? I remember blood.[/color]" The man gave her a small smile. "The doctors here patched you up." He reached out and started undoing the straps that held Ivy to the bed. "Did James ever said who his friends were. If they were part of any organization or group?" Ivy scrunched up her face, thinking hard. "[color=1a7b30]Eco-warriors?[/color]" She made sure she sounded unsure. The Eco-warriors were a well known Eco-terrorist group. They had happily claimed responsibilities for a few of her actions. They probably wouldn't mind that she pointed the finger at them for this incident. After all, other than her word, there was nothing tying them to the incident. "[color=1a7b30]Or weekend warriors. Something Warriors.[/color]" Apparently the officer had heard of them for he gave a small nod of his head. That was what happened when you had preconceived notions. He assumed that there must have been a group of people involved. And that they were probably affiliated with terrorist or a radical group. While he was processing her false information Ivy rubbed her wrists and began to test her limbs. Everything appeared in order. "[color=1a7b30]Can I see James now?[/color]" Ivy had nearly forgotten about her fictional boyfriend she wanted to see. That would have been awkward if she had and the officer called her on it. At least now she was free. "I'm sorry. You can't." The man looked truly regretful. Ivy enjoyed the fact that he was letting her [i]believe[/i] James was being held either in the hospital or in lock up. For being a rube, he wasn't as dumb as she was starting to believe he was. Ivy capped her performance by bursting to tears and demanding to see James. She refused to be calmed down and eventually the officer made an excuse to escape her room. After the door closed behind him Ivy lowered her hands and wiped off her face. She took the unexpected freedom to investigate the room. She was right about being in the city. The power was out in most places. The hospital was undoubtedly on backup generators. As she looked out the window she briefly wondered how her baby tree was doing. Did they chop it down or leave it? Ivy was startled from her thoughts as the door opened. A female nurse walked in with a smile. She babbled something in Polish. Ivy just shrugged. The nurse looked at her then put something on the tray. Ivy squinted at it. The nurse mimed drinking and Ivy made a face. No drugs. She shook her head. The nurse put her hands on her hips. [i][color=1a7b30]Stalemate[/color][/i]. Ivy thought ruefully. Ivy eventually won that confrontation. The nurse had thrown her hands up into the air, said something and left. Ivy moved closer to the pills and tossed them in the trash. She then went on to investigate the room. There was no clothes, which meant she was stuck in the hospital gown. At least it didn't have the back open to the air like gowns on TV. She poked her head out of her door slowly. A man dressed in a police uniform smiled at her. He didn't engage her in conversation. Still, the meaning was clear. She was to remain there for the time being. Yet Ivy wasn't easily dissuaded. "[color=1a7b30]Can I have clothes?[/color]" Ivy asked him. He looked at her for a moment then spoke in Polish. Ivy was really beginning to hate the language. She sighed and went back into the room. There was no escape for the moment.[hr]Ivy was found lounging on the bed flipping through the TV channels later that morning, the sun was finally shining through her window. The vast majority of the shows on were in Polish. She had stopped on the news. They had been talking about Ivy's handy work at the Power Station. She didn't understand any of what they were saying, but she was thrilled to see that they hadn't chopped down her tree. It was lovely, reaching to the sky. And best of all, the power station was in ruins. They couldn't possibly rebuild without major work. Chances were they would either move the station to a new location or give up entirely. She made sure not to look happy just in case anyone was watching. There was a knock on the door. Ivy waited to see if whomever it was was just going to enter, but no one did. "[color=1a7b30]Enter.[/color]" Ivy said after a little while. The door opened to reveal the same officer as the morning. "[color=1a7b30]Officer.[/color]" Ivy turned off the TV and greeted him. "[color=1a7b30]Am I to be arrested now?[/color]" The officer made a face but produced a small bundle. "Should be about your size." Ivy climbed off the bed and took the offer items. There was a packet of underwear, pants and a t-shirt. No bra, but she could live without. "[color=1a7b30]Thanks.[/color]" She said sincerely. Perhaps one of the only truly sincere things she had said to him. She retreated to the bathroom to get dressed. When she emerged she repeated her earlier question about being arrested. She wasn't about to let him get out of it. The officer's smile vanished. "Not quite. But you're going to have to come with me to the station." Ivy welled up tears. Still, that was good news. She stood a better chance at getting away closer to her plants. Despite the fact she was feeling much better, she wasn't strong enough to reach anything of sufficient strength to free her from the hospital. "[color=1a7b30]Okay.[/color]" She agreed in a small voice. They left the room. The officer outside her door nodded his head at the agent and feel in behind them. Two. That would make escaping a little harder, but not by much. They walked in silence, despite Michal's efforts, to an awaiting police car. Ivy was placed into the back and the two men sat in the front. Ivy buckled herself in. The unnamed officer saw that and said something in Polish. Michal translated. "My partner asked if you were afraid of his driving." "[color=1a7b30]Safety.[/color]" Ivy said simply back. Michal relayed this to his partner and the man shook his head and said something that sounded like 'Americans'. Ivy turned her head to look out the window. As they drove she felt for plants. Within a few minutes she found a cluster of trees that would suit her purpose. She gently pressed her will to them and roots sprung out of the road. The car swerved wildly but it wasn't enough. It hit a root off center and flipped. Ivy released her seatbelt as the vehicle skidded to a stop. She could hear the two men groan and she gave a small order for the trees to hold them. Then she was gone, vanished into the city.