[center][img]http://www.baku-panda.org/images/Dami+post.png[/img] [color=crimson][sub]"[b]On His Demon Head's Secret Service[/b]" // Part 07 // [ [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7A5EWvPktbo]Dami's iPod[/url] ] // [@GreenGrenade][/sub][/color][/center] [color=crimson][b]N E W   Y O R K[/b][/color] There was a fourth person joining the crowd. Switching from out of the loose [i]Muay Thai[/i] stance and into a more conservative [i]Krav Maga[/i] one, the boy's mind worked to triangulate the opponents on the field and size them up individually. It was a moment before the black and red costume connected in his mind. [color=crimson]"Spider..!"[/color] Wait. Turning his head, the boy turned his attention as he sized the web-crawler up with more scrutiny. Spider-Man was a [i]lot[/i] shorter than he'd expected. And smaller. Punchy McGee was leveling the snub nosed pistol. Whipping around, the boy lashed out with a roundhouse kick that was distinctively Okinawan martial arts. The back of his heel connected right as the trigger pulled, recoil combining with kick to throw the shot up and to the left. The boy's demonstrated knowledge of Israeli MMA came back as he allowed the momentum to carry his body weight, throwing his other leg out in a straight leg kick that connected solidly with Punchy's groin. Who knew such a strapping young man would turn out to be an alto? Tweedledum seemed to backing away at this point, his switchblade buddy and leader on the ground. And police sirens were echoing nearby. [color=crimson]"-tt-"[/color] the boy chirped, catching wind of the sirens and noting that they were getting louder. If he got taken back to the hotel by the police, his mother was going to kill him. And his tourist visa was a rather complicated situation, particularly because he hadn't been carrying the passports and, thus, had no idea under what fake name he'd entered the country. Turning back toward the costumed hero, the boy gave the web-slinger a wave as he decided to take the vigilante up on that offer. [color=crimson]"All yours, Spider-Boy!"[/color] the child offered, before taking off in a sprint off the walkways and trails.