[@Divinity] I'd classify Corban as pressing fairly solidly into the low end of high tier (rather than mid), just as a note. The one that jumps out at me the most is the Enchantment skill. Your description for the level of potency you have it is something beyond mid tier and definitely beyond something I would expect for someone that isn't fond of it. It may be providing him a bit too much flexibility if that is the case. [@Dazsos] Some of your things could use more clarification on how they actually work (how Element and a few others operates currently pushes your tier higher, as well as a few other spells generally being more potent than I'd say for mid). --- I think a lot of the problem is that there is difficulty in pitting a character that has less constraints on their skills vs one that doesn't have them. The runes may be making it difficult for Myron to easily adapt to certain situations vs the flexibility of Corban's spellcasting. However, I do think for the most part the time creating the spells (Unless there is disagreement or something I'm missing) has been generally appropriate. Is there anything specific I need to look at? [@Divinity][@Dazsos] You may want to request any additional clarification from each other needed in order to complete the fight. I don't think there is a current dispute about the spells already used and the issue was more needing clarification on terms of where the characters sit in terms of powers.