[@Divinity]You really don't like describing things, do you? You leave out the in-depth aspects of both Myron's mask, and Corban's Cryo-clone. Also 'one post, two post' is not the most accurate depiction of time. My issues start at the beginning of Corban and Myron's 'third spells' listed in Divinity's synopsis: Post 5 and on. [@Innue] Myron did not have to recast his creation (not a summon), it's stated he began after being pushed back. Several spells were used to create the mask, however most are simple markings that are quick to make with the quill at close range. Water runes in the mouth. Nihil in one eye, envision in the other. An adamant mark to fortify shape. Of all these runes, the most complex would've been Beacon of Nihil. I stated that it'd take time for Myron to finish the mask, which gave it an indefinite cast time depending on Corban's next move. The cryo-clone, by my assumption, was summoned in post 5, and is described as being easily controlled as long as Corban's feet were planted. (But it was running at high speeds, so there would be frequent times where it's own feet wouldn't be grounded, I don't know if this is important.) It's a combination of an earth magic exterior, a hidden explosive barrier that constantly expels kinetic energy, a hyper-freezing area of effect, and the application of illusory principles. It's mentioned that channeled anti-magic was applied to the clone's sword to attack the barrier with, this spell wasn't mentioned in the above synopsis, but also isn't listed as being passive in the profile unless applied. Corban would have to find a way to evoke these complex spells inside of his clone whilst concentrating on digging rapidly underground at an equal pace. It's stated he also coats himself in a diamond skin while underground, and the word barrier was also mentioned, if he upped another barrier on himself, I'm counting eight spells/actions used after the railgun. (Not including constantly remote controlling the golem, or firing of the sword & sheath.) Myron's count is at 5 spells/actions. 4 written runes are used along motion control over his water & book, though it's stated that Myron is gifted at concentrating control magic on multiple things at once, this is more like a physical action for him. This would have all taken place within the amount of time it'd take Corban to move 100ft. No exact timeframe is mentioned, however it's stated that the clone moved at baffling speeds. EDIT: This isn't as much of a complaint as it is pointing out what is not being described by Divinity. Myron's capable of pushing in to high tier, like Innue said, but I was keeping his movements stalled and some of his spells locked to coincide with the idea it was a mid-tier fight initially. I gave a free hit to Corban with this mindset, whereas in a high tier match, Myron would've easily erected that barrier in time, whilst concocting several other spells as well. On another note, I'm not sure cause it's not fully explained. Did Corban coat himself in diamond [i]and[/i] erect a barrier around himself before shooting Ishtalle at Myron? Or just diamond skin?