[@Dazsos]She wasn't asking me to [i]describe[/i] anything, simply chronicle where the spells were used. I also was following the rubric she gave. Corban's clone was running fast, but the act of running never really has both feet off the ground, because that would probably end with a nasty faceplant. Even if they did by some fractional amount of time ever actually both be off the ground, gravity would bring them back down just as quickly, and thus suffer very little lag or connection speed. You're also over-exaggerating the scope of his cryo-clone. The kinetic dispersal/absorption [i]is[/i] what gives it the 'freezing' effect. No kinetic energy means no excited particles. No excited particles means no heat. Lack of heat=cold. The two effects are quite the same, rather than entirely separate components.The clone, and its spell-sabot were summoned [i]before[/i] he started running toward you as well. So this isn't all happening at once, or in quite the tiny time-frame you think. I'm not entirely sure how you'd explain away moving fast enough without superhuman physiology(and you specifically stated he wasn't, though id gladly allow that to be changed for balancing) to summon that barrier in time to catch a rail gun packing about 10k joules of force behind it, even under high tier stipulations if the barrier is based on active activation, which it seems to be. Corban didn't attack your barrier with an antimagic sword. He attacked it with the spear-drill he used to stop your nihil rune earlier, which was distinctly stated as being abjurative and antimagical in nature. Corban is just surrounded in a diamond 'shell', by the way. No extra barrier involved. Everything was explained exactly as it happened. The term barrier simply replies to his diamond shell, because that's what it is; a barrier o_o Edit: He doesn't really need to 'dig' through anything. His mastery over earth could easily have him move within and part it around him into canals with no issue. He is moving just slower than the clone however, but not by enough to be significant. Edit 2: Note: The antimagic drill is no longer active as of the clone being destroyed.