[center][hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/4BkayPC.png?1[/img][hr][hr] [sup][@Bounce][/sup][/center] [b]M A N H A T T A N, N E W Y O R K[/b] The boy didn’t do as Miles said. Instead, he chose to face the thug’s leader head-on, unmindful – or uncaring – of the snub nosed handgun that was being aimed at his chest. He disarmed the man with quick, brutal efficiency, delivering a crushing kick to his nethers that left Miles wincing. [i]Okay,[/i] he thought, [i]So maybe he does a little more than karate.[/i] The sound of sirens called from the distance, and the boy appeared to take that as his cue to leave. “All yours, Spider-Boy!” he shouted as he turned and ran down the path, leaving the thug’s leader holding onto his groin for dear life as he whimpered on his knees. “Who’re you calling ‘Spider-Boy’ – ” Miles cut himself off as he saw the two thugs he floored climbing back onto their feet. Switchblade cracked his neck to one side as he stepped towards the young webhead, baring his teeth in a grotesque snarl. Miles focused and he went invisible, Switchblade and his friend letting out confused grunts as their eyes darted around in search of him. He dashed towards them in silence, presenting them with swift strikes to the chin that sent them to the ground. He hit their leader for good measure before running after the boy, his legs like hammers on the ground. Before long he caught up to him, flipping over his head as he silently thanked the spider that bit him. “Wait,” he said, hunched over with a hand on his knee, the other extended in a stop sign as he fought to catch his breath. “Kid. I have to ask… you some questions. As Spider… [i]Man[/i], I need to know… where the [i]hell[/i] did you learn to do [i]that?[/i]”