[@Dazsos]It being 'cryogenic' is a direct result of it robbing kinetic energy, which like I said before makes the 'ice' part of the equation a [b]byproduct[/b] of the kinetic drain. I'd really, really appreciate it if you would stop trying to tell me how my spells work. You're doing exactly what I said earlier; ignoring my explanations and just reverting to your previous argument ignoring all the things said by me previously. As for the air time, I already expounded on that. Any break in his feet from earth would be so negligible as to hardly, if at all effect the spell-connection. Now if he jumped? Different. If he was knocked off his feet? Different. But running has his feet apart from earth for literally fractions of a second at a time. 'cuz magic' is not at all a proper defense for you being able to control the ice. How can the magic move the ice, physically, if it can't amass any kinetic energy? Magic is also still energy, which means it still at least partially functions under similar laws to conventional physics. It can't is the answer, unless you give me a very, very detailed explanation of how he'd totally ignore the common laws of conservation of energy. If you notice all my spells function alongside physics, pushing its limits but never operating wholly outside of them. Edit: the spell [b]is[/b] a type of ice spell. It's categorized as 'ice' because it both creates ice and 'freezes' things with its kinetic drain. It being 'ice' magic is not a reason for you to be able to control it. That ignores its properties and the semantics and logistics behind it entirely.