[b]Name:[/b] Gaulirax [b]Race:[/b] Dragonkin [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 124 [b]Birthday:[/b] 16 Crimsia, 176 DM [b]Birthplace:[/b] Small Coastal Town near Pyresia. [b]Resides in:[/b] Pyresia [b]Occupation:[/b] Fighter [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Gaulirax][img]http://pre11.deviantart.net/9490/th/pre/f/2010/071/0/2/barosh_by_livhathaway.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] A focused individual who has resigned himself to his lot in life. Gaulirax, while being a slave has become content with this fact. Even though he has given in to this life of servitude and combat for the entertainment of crowds, he still has a small glimmer in the back of his mind that he will one day be free of his bonds to wander the world and build strong relationships with people he can grow to care about. Until he is free though, Gaulirax will continue to keep his loneliness at bay with constant training, and combat in the arena while being under the supervision of his Mistress. [b]History:[/b] Tears in the eyes of a young Half breed as he is stolen away from his home. The binds of slavers tying him up as he became a prize catch that would fetch money unlike any other slave. When he awoke after arriving in Pyresia, Gaulirax found himself being advertised as a exotic slave worth his weight in gold. He would find himself bought by a rather conservative dragoness, the way she treated him as if he was less than dirt and forced him to bathe her and tend to her needs until he was old enough to begin training as a fighter. Gaulirax was constantly reminded as he served under his mistress that he was nothing but an abomination to the world. To top it all off he was used as a threat against others slaves. “You better not fail or I’ll let Gaulirax have his way with you.” Would often be said which only ingrained him in more the fact that he was considered even lower than the average slave. It was when he had grown into a powerful muscular creature, he was placed in the arena, his Mistress hoping to make some money and get rid of the disgusting creature at the same time, only to find out that he excelled in the arena. He was quick, powerful, and deadly. Now he fights in the arena against whatever foes he must, in order to recieve rewards, women, his mistress’ approval, and perhaps one day his freedom. [b]Skills:[/b] Intimidation: Racial 36 Weapon Warhammer 50 Sex 5 Body Building 36 Endurance 25 Unarmed Combat 5 Socialization 1 Teaching 1 Tactics 2 [b]Knowledge[/b] My Mistress Bets on me to Lose. I can beat a Minotaur Training Never Freaking Ends Contact: Rathrid Dwarven Master at Arms. Body Building is Harder than it looks Cold Water Soothes Sore muscles. You're not Done Yet. I'm destined for the Arena Desire: To Be Free [b]Special Abilities[/b] Fire Breathing [b]Possessions:[/b] Breastplate Steel (Provided By Owner) Greaves Steel (Provided by Owner) Vambraces Steel (Provided by Owner) Cuisses Steel (Provided by Owner) Gladiator Cloth Underlayer 2 (Provided by Owner) Groin Covers Unlimited (Provided by owner) Warhammer Two Handed Steel (Provided by Owner) [b]Ledger:[/b] None He’s a Slave. [b]Story List:[/b]