Absolute control over kinetic energy? In an ice spell? This is definitely a very high tier ice spell, and based on how instantaneous its effects are, and how they can travel straight through physical things. I don't see this spell having a creation time of one post instantly after the effects of another spell's activation. And by one post, I mean... a second, maybe two? It's earth magic, it's extremely high level ice magic, (beyond what I think Corban is capable of.) it's remote controlled, it takes on the exact shape of him in the fraction of an instant needed for him to actually make it look like no movements were had summoning it. It's OP, it's OP, dude, my arguments are all under the pretense that it isn't OP, but you just keep erecting that opnis. Get that opnis out of my face. Although I still disagree with the absoluteness of kinetic absorption, I've argued before, and mainly persisted on the cast time of such a spell. It took Myron about that much time to make his water look like a [i]happy face[/i]. My above argument stands, I won't reiterate. Next up, if it absorbs all kinetic energy, I don't see it allowing the clone to even move. Also the phrase [i]absorbs [/i]wasn't mentioned in your post, I don't like how you use different descriptive words for your spells between the IC and OOC. What stopped you from saying 'oh the radius is actually 80 feet.' That would have been an instahit, it would've frozen Myron in time and won you the fight right away. All kinetic energy is connected, so what's stopping this spell from just, you know... freezing time itself? You saying it doesn't? Thirty shoes?... As logical as you say it is, I just don't agree. This is just a lack of agreement on one thing. It's a bunch of nope on my behalf. Your one description of a spell at the peak of Corban's prowess with evocation was a [i]lightning bolt[/i]. This is way above that.