[@Divinity] I had an epiphany. I was wrong. (No not about the cast time stuff, nor the physics, I'd drag that argument with me to the grave.) I was wrong in the way I approached the situation. Anger drove me to try and pry your brain apart, because I felt the faintest amount of disrespect, and believed that by one-upping you with remarks, things would be even Steven. Well they are, but now we both look like howling baboons with chemistry books. Innue shouldn't be a tool for me to use against you. Thing is, I know him, and he's a rather busy person. I asked him to be the judge because although he's a friend, I'm sure he'd be fair, and more than anything he'd want to see my win-streak come to an end. Surely he doesn't have the time to read [i]all of this banter.[/i] Myron and Corban's capabilities have been slanted since the beginning, but that's not your fault. I've been nerfing my own character, when he's fully capable of being used on the same high tier. Trying to drag your character to his level has taken too much time and insult, when really, I could've just done the opposite. I came in to this fight expecting it was mid-tier, but also prepared to adjust, I should've. So... I'm sorry for lashing out at you. I still think you're an asshole, but I'm positive I'm one, too. Equal respect is my motto, and I hoped to drag you to my level. It didn't occur to me that you might be more willing to have Myron's prowess boosted to even the odds. You mentioned it, but I was still furious over the current power gap. Maybe you wanted a really epic, fast paced magic battle with tons of spells flying around? In mid-tier, I don't see any way for Corban to dodge a full-powered disintigration ray in such a light-speed instant; But in high tier, there'd be a chance, if done right. I have no real qualms with such powered battles, as long as I get to play half the part. Since there are also hidden abilities in Myron's profile, which I wasn't using before, I doubt you'd mind me proposing them, since I forcefully made you list a few synopsis of Corban's own bracketed magics? P.S: Although I'm apologizing now, and actually willing to ignore my prior claims, this doesn't mean I won't try and chew you out later. I'm still quite anal about this combat stuff. Also, IC you stated the cryobomb [i]could [/i]capture the book, which is pretty indefinite, and I still don't think its effects should expunge at light speeds. Ice magic is usually slower than that. I took the leisure to accept the side of this coin-flip in my favor. Any conflicts that it would freeze the book, while its being relocated, will force me to quicken the postponed date of the argument we've been having. I don't know how important that is to you, but it's my offer. And again, no, I'm not dropping it because I feel wrong about my claims, I just don't want to lose sleep over something so menial, just because I can't let something go.