[@Dazsos]Hey I'm not an asshole! Pissant is far more accurate xD. In any case, I'm not too proud to admit I was just a little more than volatile back there as well, and id like it to be known that the feelings your expressing are exactly mutual. I have the utmost faith and commitment in my actions, and I am willing to get as boringly scientific as it takes if we will be involving judges. I still think ny physics argument is an incredibly fair one. As for 'blocking full powered energy beams', how is that either high powered or high tier? The attack had no preps and Corban specializes in defense. My defense also was appropriate for the situation. If you really want to get technical, I put a lot more time and effort into my defense than you're first attack, which you just flung at me. That isn't even taking the distance between us into account and the fact no speed or comparable speed was given for the beam, so I assumed it wasn't moving [i]that[/i] fast. I vehemently still am of the school of thought that 'ease' is not a factor in determining high tier and low tier, but scope and power. I also don't get where you're getting all these measurement and data points. Exactly what source states that ice magic is inherently slow? And it isn't working at light-speed at all. It's just doing what spells that are activated do; activating upon release. The thing being activated just so happens to be a kinetic drain, which again I see no reason for having to be slow or any less fast than it is. About the book, I said it could capture it, and not did capture it, because that would be autoing. Based on your own descriptions, the book is well within the blast radius, and blasts cover ground quickly. I'm not saying it can't be moved. I'm just saying you'd need a convenient, and good argument for relocating it fast enough to satisfy me, because to just let it go would also be completely ignoring a tactical move on my part that I spent a loving amount of time crafting. I'm not going to be an asshole about it if you do decide to try to have it escape, but if I am not satisfied we probably will need Innue to judge again to avoid further infighting. I really dont like it. Edit: Argument redacted. I'll just roll with the punches in the name of fun. I am tired of arguing. So from hereon I will not be complaining unless it is something highly unbalanced or a match-deciding oversight or something.