The featureless statue that was once Geb grew what could only be taken as a smile when his greeting was accepted, most people were put off when he grew more appendages or when turned into 'non-form', what he called the mannequin like being he shifted into when he went heroing. He was more than excited to be placed on alpha team, he always preferred protecting people than actually attacking criminals so the position fit him like a glove. Geb then turned his attention to the masked teen that he was partnered with, he was the only one on his team that he had yet to talk to. But the thing that caught his eye, or rather lack of eye, was the watch the teen was holding, the complex and extravagant design of it nearly hypnotized Geb. "Dude... that's pretty wicked!" He stammered out from his unmoving lips as he leaned forward slightly to get a better look at the golden trinket. But before he could continue or the masked teen could answer Kid Flash broke in with a wish. "Wait wish what?-" Geb bumbled out before the flash of gold whisked the team away. When they arrived Geb's head was spinning, quite literally. After he snapped his head forward he took in the fact they were just teleported from the island to the back robbery with the simple words 'I wish' The small crack on the statue's face bent into a smile as he turned to the group. "Guys that was Aweso-" Geb quickly clapped his hands over what was working as his mouth to stop his out burst. "S-sorry.." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck, that was when he noticed Amani. He quickly made his way over to her when she sat to the floor. "Uh... maybe she should sit this one out guys." Geb said in a concerned voice as he kneeled next to his dazed teammate.