[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/maTCt8I.png[/img] [/center] [hr] [right][b]Pinos Altos, New Mexico. 0850HRS Local Time.[/b] [sub]Days since last incident: 2[/sub][/right] [color=598527]"Bruce Banner, Audio log. It has been two days since my last 'incident' as I am calling it. Local news near Vista Verde is of course reporting the activities of the military and the Hulk however national outlets appear to be oblivious to what transpired. How the Military and LexCorp are preventing larger companies such as the Daily Bugle and the Daily Planet off their scent is beyond me, most likely with the one thing everyone understands. Money."[/color] Bruce stood up from the makeshift desk he had in the 'living' room of the house. He had had a productive day yesterday, once he finally had some good rest. Getting all the money he had stashed away in various accounts had been the difficult part, it now sat in a duffle underneath a floorboard in his bedroom. He couldn't exactly open a bank account after all. After that the rest had been easy enough, furniture wasn't hard to come by even here. It wasn't the best furniture he had ever had, though it gave him some level of comfort. [color=598527]"Technology poses the biggest challenge. While I managed to acquire a television and a laptop at a local store, any complex lab equipment is out of the question. Even if I was able to buy it doing so would put myself at risk. There are watch lists to consider after all, should the F.B.I, N.S.A or C.I.A decide to keep tabs on me due to buying patterns my whole world could come crashing down on me again."[/color] Bruce walked into the kitchen, opening the fridge and pulled out a carton of orange juice. He removed the lid and took a swig straight from the bottle. Betty would have hated that. [sub]Betty...[/sub] Screwing the lid back on the carton of orange juice, he then pulled out a microwavable dinner. Throwing it straight in without bothering to check what it was. [color=598527]"As such I have taken to making my own equipment, that said it's crude at best. The only piece of reasonable scientific equipment I have is a microscope that I got in a local pawn shop. Cost me a fortune because the lady knew what she had, at least if I do successfully manage to make a centrifuge or take my own blood I'll be able to analyze it properly, albeit the old fashioned way."[/color] Bruce looked through the window of the microwave. Watching his food cook. [color=598527]"On the bright side since I came to town there have been no unusual circumstances with people waiting outside the house, nor have I been followed on the rare occasion I have left the house. It looks like this location is truly as much a secret as I previously thought. That said, I must remain cautious. Keep to myself as much as possible, any attention-"[/color] There was a knock at the door and Bruce just sighed. [color=598527]"Audio log pause."[/color] He stood up and walked to the door, floorboards creaking the entire way, pulling back the latch he opened the door. [color=598527]"I'm sorry, but I don't have time for vi-"[/color] He froze as soon as he laid eyes on her face. She just smiled. [color=ec008c]"Hello Bruce."[/color] [center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/e/e4/Elizabeth_Ross_%28Earth-295%29_.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120629075858[/img][/center]