[center][img]http://www.baku-panda.org/images/Dami+post.png[/img] [color=crimson][sub]"[b]On His Demon Head's Secret Service[/b]" // Part 08 // [ [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDrTbLXHKu8]Dami's iPod[/url] ] // [@GreenGrenade][/sub][/color][/center] [color=crimson][b]N E W   Y O R K[/b][/color] Faster than expected. Also, much lighter on his feet. The boy hadn't even realized that Spider-Boy was overtaking him until right before the web-slinger was beside him. The League had files on individuals expressing physical abilities beyond the normal range of humanity. The Big Blue Boy Scout of Metropolis was one such examples. Damian wondered what, if anything, they said about Spider-Man. Which, on the name dropping, merited a skeptical and juvenile look that ought to have made clear that the wall-crawler was dealing with a bonafide child. [color=goldenrod]"As Spider... Man... I-I-I need to know..."[/color] the boy echoed back. He had a knack for voices. The tone and inflection a near enough match for Miles' own voice that it could have fooled some voice security software. Which may well have been why he'd been trained by a voice coach. Dropping back to his usual voice, the child said, [color=crimson]"Spider-Man, really? [i]Really?[/i]"[/color] It's not that Damian was hating. He was visiting New York, had just busted up a mugging, and was now having a conversation with [b]Spider-Man[/b] in the park. This trip had already turned out to be more eventful than almost any of his others. He usually flew in and was just babysat or tutored while his mother took care of business. Then, in the last year or so, it had been Damian who was expected to contribute to the family business by undertaking missions. Still, the fact remained that the size of the costumed individual in front of him was not the body mass of most adults. Particularly among males. He was four, maybe five years older than Damian was. [color=crimson]"Can you really take yourself all that seriously if you can't smoke, vote, or drink legally?"[/color] the boy asked, ignoring the hero's question. [color=crimson]"Can you even get into R rated movies?"[/color] Now, there was a subject on which Damian could rightfully hate. So, his mother was okay with him decapitating some random dude. But for him to see an R rated movie was not okay? What, was she worried it was going to warp his conservative moral ideology? Whatever. [color=crimson]"Anyway, it's called [b]MMA[/b],"[/color] Damian supplied, answering the question as he stuffed his hands down into the pockets of the hoodie he wore. [color=crimson]"There's probably a half-dozen places around the block that teach it. It's not rocket science."[/color]