[center][hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/4BkayPC.png?1[/img][hr][hr] [sup][@Bounce][/sup][/center] [b]M A N H A T T A N, N E W Y O R K[/b] Miles was shocked. A million questions popped into his head as he tried to process exactly what this kid was saying. How did he mimic his voice so well? Why was he so antagonizing? Was it [i]really[/i] that easy to see that Miles was just a teen? Did the kid actually expect him to believe that what he did was simple MMA? Just who [i]was[/i] he? “Okay, first of all,” started Miles, “Yes, it’s Spider-[i]Man[/i]. It’s not my fault that I have dwarfism, and honestly, I don’t need you to remind me. It’s bad enough that people ask me where my parents are when I go to watch a movie, let alone walk down the street, so I really do not need or appreciate your judgemental attitude. I am an adult, American citizen, and quite frankly I think that [i]someone’s[/i] parents should give a little lesson in respect and open-mindedness.” He took a breath. “And if there’s an MMA club that teaches a ten year-old how to [i]stare fearlessly[/i] down the barrel of a gun, sign me up. Seriously, who’d you learn from, Chuck Norris?”