[center][img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11111/111118828/4027852-poison+ivy+banner.jpg[/img][/center] [right]On the run in some shady Motel[/right] [i]Today, millions in Poland are still without power. Three days ago there was a terrorist attack on the Bełchatów Power Station. The catastrophic damage destroyed the Station completely. Almost twenty percent of the country is without power for the foreseeable future. Already aid is pouring in from the European Union to assist in the efforts of local humanitarian services. PEG is working with many companies around the clock to set up localized power to all those effected. Notable companies are Stark International, Wayne Enterprises and Lex Corporation. While recover efforts are ongoing, the perpetrators are still at large. So far the Police have been unwilling to comment about any leads or witnesses. The only survivor from the attack was a Polish security guard. They have released his name as Alesky Dubicki. Married for twelve years. Father of three children. He was one of the security guards on duty when the terrorist attack occurred. He was released from the hospital yesterday. There is still no word on what he saw-[/i] Ivy turned off the TV with a sigh. There was a part of her that was remorseful about all the people who were suffering because of the power outage. It was only the thought of the children in Poland that made her feel that way. They were innocent of their parent's apathy. But that guilt didn't hold a candle to the fact that she saved so many lives. Plants who would grow and reach maturity. Despite all the good, Ivy had been seen. They knew her name. And they now knew for sure it was her who destroyed the Power Station. She might throw them a little by making them look into the Eco-terrorist. But they would be coming for her. Which was why she had yet to return to her home. With any luck she would secure a plane flight back to America. If her contact would come through. There was a chance her kiss would wear off before the necessary details were in place. Ivy frowned at the blank TV screen before huffing out another sigh. She was going stir crazy locked up in this motel room. She craved the outdoors. Yet she couldn't risk it. If she was seen she could be arrested again. So she suffered, not happily, but patiently. [hr][right]Hours later[/right] Ivy tilted her head as someone knocked on the door. She moved to the door and peered out the peep hole. A balding middle aged man stood there. Ivy didn't fight her grin. Men were so susceptible to her. She didn't even have to use any of her plant pheromones to entice him. Just one look at her body and he was practically throwing himself on her. Which suited her plans just nicely. Since he worked for the airline he was her perfect ticket to get back to the states. Ivy opened the door and looked down at him. "[color=1a7b30]Did you get it?[/color]" She demanded harshly. The man didn't even blink at her tone, but passed over a rectangular envelope. She opened it, revealing one airline ticket. One way to Detroit. It wasn't her end destination but it was close. She bent over and kissed him. When she pulled back he had a blissed out look on his face. "[color=1a7b30]Perfect.[/color]" Ivy practically purred. "[color=1a7b30]You played your part well. Now go home to your wife and sleep. When you wake this will just be a dream.[/color]" With that Ivy promptly closed the door in his face. Her flight would leave in a few hours. She still had to be patient and wait some more. At least the hard part was finally over.[hr][right]Ivy's Home[/right] Ivy shrugged off her jacket and nudged off her shoes. The man giving her a lift hadn't been willing to leave her in the middle of nowhere. She she gave him a kiss for his concern. He was far more agreeable after that. Ivy watched her clothes vanish into the grass and gravel. When the last item disappeared she stepped into the trees. Everything seemed to reach out for her in greeting. "[color=1a7b30]Yes my dears. I'm home. I'm back.[/color]" Ivy told them as she stroked, petted and touched every plant in her path. It was a good twenty minute walk to the place she called home. It was a small grove. Simple, yet elegant. Trees branched overhead to protect them from prying eyes. And no one would ever find them on foot for all the paths were impassable. Yet when she stepped into the clearing Ivy knew there was something wrong. "[color=1a7b30]Darlings?[/color]" Ivy called out, fear clutching at her. True fear, unlike the minor concern she had felt in custody of the police. "I-Ivy?" A small girl's voice wobbled. But the girl still wasn't visible. "[color=1a7b30]Dani.[/color]" Ivy moved towards the sound of the girl's voice. "[color=1a7b30]What happened? Where's Paul and Sarah?[/color]" "I'm here." Paul said stepping out from behind a tree. His face was a mass of bruises, and he held his arm around his chest as if it hurt. "[color=1a7b30]My little one![/color]" Ivy cried in horror. "[color=1a7b30]What happened?[/color]" She gently reached out for the boy and looked him over. "[color=1a7b30]My poor boy.[/color]" She felt tears gather and forced them back. Paul was strong. He stood there, barely flinching as Ivy's light touch passed over bruises and abrasions. They didn't need her to cry. Not when they were in trouble. Dani looked out from behind Paul. The younger girl was untouched. Ivy reached out for her and grunted as Dani threw herself into Ivy's arms. "[color=1a7b30]Where's Sarah?[/color]"