Name: Jinayah Ifriti/Jin Takahashi Age: 16 Gender: Nonbinary Arcana: Fortune Equipment: Starts with a slingshot and BBs, moves onto a modern sling with cherry bombs, then acid bombs -miniature tool kit -motorcycle riding jacket, boots and helmet -a worn deck of playing cards -energy/protein bars Skills: +Jin is excellent at math, seeming to have an innate talent for it, and can do high level calculus and trig in their head (also due to the dyslexia) +Jin has almost impeccable aim, due to their ability to calculate almost instantaneously the velocity and force that they need to hit their target. +Jin could probably become a licensed mechanic tomorrow; if given time and tools they can fix anything with an engine or moving parts. Part of this talent is due to research and experience, the other due to pure inside knowledge – they were born to fix machines. There's a job waiting for them after graduation at a local mechanic shop. +Jin was a pickpocket for several years of their upbringing. They do not do so anymore (to anyone's knowledge) but still has nimble hands and the eyes of a trained thief. -Jin has difficulty reading due to dyslexia that affects how they perceive letters and kanji. -Jin also deals with bouts of insomnia that last for a few days to (at the very worst) nearly 2 weeks. They go from irritable, to clumsy, and then start having small periods of unconsciousness. The last time it got bad, Jin had to be hospitalized and medicated. -Jin is not trusting by any sense, and that can get them into needless trouble. Appearance: 5 feet tall, warm brown skin, black hair worn short. Likes to wear T-shirts with math jokes, and is rarely seen in public without their chest binder. The only time they don't wear it is to sleep, bathe, and when working in the garage, where the chest restriction gets in the way of their work. [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Personality: In a society based on politeness and sameness, Jin stands out like a shark in a school of tuna. While Jin can play polite, they choose not to most of the time- there's a chip on their shoulder the size of a steel beam. Jin says what they're thinking, and really doesn't care who they bother or offend. However, in a rather ironic way, Jin's sharp and abrasive nature is a bit of a fake persona. Having lost too many people in their young life already, and feeling like an eternal outsider in Japan, Jin has given up on having friends and making connections. You can't lose what you don't have, right? If anyone was bold and patient enough to keep on pressing at Jin's walls, they'd find a loyal friend and a true defender. Jin will fight to care for their friends- even if that's a fistfight. To the meek, they're a guardian. To the strong, they're a wingman. To the average.... they're probably rather encouraging, if not a little sharp-tongued. There are soft points to Jin as well; if someone is bullied or mocked for being different, Jin will be the first to step to that person's defense. Despite Jin's size, they fight like their life depends on it, even if the situation doesn't merit that level of violence. Biography: Jin's mother, Yumiko Takahashi, emigrated to America as a young adult. After completing college, she worked as a court clerk, stenographer, and translator. She met Jin's father, Richard Ifriti, who was a detective that would often come in to testify on cases. They hit in off and fell in love, marrying and having a daughter, Jinayah. Jin had a happy life until about the age of five. Unfortunately, everything went sideways in Jin's life. A violent career criminal that Richard had put away nearly ten years ago escaped from prison. His first act was to seek out the detective who he considered responsible for ruining his life. Due to a heavy snowstorm in the area, the Ifriti family didn't get the warning until it was far too late. Richard and Yumiko were both shot and killed, and Jin only survived because the criminal didn't realize she existed. Due to the violent nature of her parents' murders, Jin fled the house and lived on the streets for many years, learning to pickpockets, steal and con for her survival. It took authorities several years to track Jin down again. By that time, Jin was ten, and the only relatives remaining to care for her were Yumiko's family in Japan. Jin was bundled up and shipped off to Japan within a year. While Yumiko's brother and wife weren't against taking in their niece, they were a little unprepared for the task of raising Jin. Being homeless had formed a cold, hard shell around the child. Being half black and half Japanese, being strange and a poor speaker all served to make Jin quickly outcast in school. Add to that the fact that Jin had no problem with getting into fights and shoplifting convenience stores, and Jin was marked as a delinquient and a troublemaker before even reaching middle school. In a matter completely separated from her traumatic youth, as Jin aged, she discovered that she didn't really too much like a girl. While it took quite a bit of time, research and argument to come to an understanding, they soon came to understand words like 'nonbinary' and 'gender neutral'. Though it took Jin's uncle and aunt a while longer to come to terms with the idea of Jin's identity, they became unflinchingly supportive, even helping to petition the school to allow Jin to wear a male student uniform. Jin stopped dressing in feminine clothing in middle school. Cutting off their hair, buying a binder to flatten their breasts, and dropping female pronouns entirely, Jin found a peace within their identity- not as a girl, and not really a boy either. By the time they enrolled in Uchima Senior High, Jin was no longer apologizing for who they were in any case. They were fighting anyone who tried to force them to fit in a box. Jin quickly earned a semi-legendary status as a criminal and a bad boy, getting a lot of attention. Despite getting into trouble for more than one scuffle after school, Jin's grades remain constant and their conduct just short of disobeying rules directly. Despite some continued trouble with reading assignments, and atrocious handwriting, Jin's math and science scores are among the highest in the school. Their academic performance isn't even close to allowing their expulsion without putting the school in a nasty light and causing a lot of scandal. So, the school deals with Jin, and Jin deals with the school. Everyone is clearly waiting until the day Jin graduates and is free. Persona: Name: Clotho Appearance: Traits: -Reflects: -Absorbs: -Void: -Resist: -Weak: Abilities: Garu Magaru Pulinpa Single Shot