[center][img]http://www.watchmojo.com/uploads/blipthumbs/Fi-M-Colossus-Origins-480p30_480.jpg[/img] [color=00a99d][b][i]So which am I? Piotr Rasputin, gentle artist? Or Colossus, member of the X-Men?[/i][/b][/color] [/center] [hr] [right][b]Chicago, Illinois. 1615HRS Local Time[/b][/right] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3429306][color=00a99d][b]"NO!"[/b][/color][/url] Piotr dove through the light, through the door. The heat tore at him, a regular man would have burned. The building began to collapse on top of him, a regular man would have been crushed. Though he was no regular man, he was Piotr Rasputin. Colossus, member of the X-Men. He would [i]not[/i] lose again! Using the force of the explosion he sped himself towards a cot in the corner of the room. The entire building was shaking at this point, he could feel the floor beginning to come away from him. Whatever explosive the man had used, the entire building was going to come apart. Using his body to block the flames he leaned in the cot to grab the blanket around the babe. Same as before to prevent himself from burning the poor child. Lifting the child to his chest with one hand he turned his head back over his shoulder, the flames had now become too intense. He would never make it through them while keeping his charge safe. That left one alternative, stepping backwards he turned his left shoulder forward and ran at the outer wall of the apartment. Crashing through the wall gravity immediately took it's hold. Leaning back to prevent him falling on his chest and crushing the baby, instead when he came into contact with the ground his legs smacked onto the concrete. Distinctive feet marks breaking through the surface. As soon as people noticed him they came running towards him, who was obviously the mother pushed herself to the forefront. He held the baby out at arms length. [b][color=00a99d]"Make sure not to touch my hands, the fire has heated my body."[/color][/b] The crying mother pulled her baby away from him and straight into her chest, backing away she merely mouthed the words [i]'thank you'.[/i] It confused him at first, why would she not say such words allowed? Though then he found out. "You better get out of here freak! You aren't fooling us. Saving kids, we saw that second explosion. You were the only one in the building, trying to curry favour are you?" "Yeah! You aren't fooling us! We've seen the news, what's happening up in Coast City!" "You're lucky you can walk around our streets, then you go and pull a stunt like this?" One of them took a couple of steps forward. [b][color=00a99d]"No comrade, do not touch me."[/color][/b] "Oh what you gonna do baby-" he palm of the mans hands touched his skin, there was a sizzling sound as the skin burned against his steel flesh. Heated from the blaze that still ate the house. One the bright side, authorities were here. He saw a fire engine pull up, the firemen immediately disembarking and going about tackling the blaze. "-Ah! He burned me. You guys see that? He burned me! I bet he can control fire as well or something." "You know, I wish the League would just lock all you people up already!" "Yeah! What he said!" Colossus sighed, he didn't do what he did for the reward. However it would have been nice not to be accused of setting the fire only to curry favor at the same time. That said, it was probably time to leave. Crowds could get rowdy and while in Texas he had to fight for the safety of others he would not fight these people. They were the victim of their media. [i]America, land of the free.[/i] Another fire engine pulled up, and this time one of the crew took notice of the mob. "Hey! You guys, you gotta get of there-!" The man paused as the group dispersed, and he could see Colossus. His clothes partially burned to reveal a yellow and red outfit. He could never understand the Professors choice for what he decided to put the teams in. Running now, would just make him seem guilty. Something he was not, he would have to stay and clear himself. Walking up the alleyway he raised his voice so the man could hear him over the commotion. [color=00a99d][b]"I have helped those that were in the building out Comrade. I will gladly await for the police to arrive, and give my statement."[/b][/color] [hr] [right][b]District 14, Chicago Police Department, Chicago, Illinois. 1500HRS Local Time.[/b][/right] "Name?" Piotr sighed, he expected to give his statement. Instead he was sitting in a police interrogation room, with his arms chained to the desk. he could easily have broken the chains had he been in his metallic form, though he felt it best while in the police station to remain as regular flesh and blood.[color=00a99d][b]"Piotr Rasputin."[/b][/color] "You registered." [color=00a99d][b]"Yes."[/b][/color] Of course, that would be the second question they asked. "You do understand that subsection 5 of article C prohibits mutants from interfering at the scene of a crime, under threat of persecution?" [color=00a99d][b]"Yes."[/b][/color] "Then mind telling me what you were doing Mr.Razpootin." Piotr just sighed again, trust the Kelly Act to turn his good deed into a crime. [color=00a99d][b]"I was sitting drawing, when I heard explosion. I knew that flames could not hurt me, so with fire department on their way and people calling for help. I decided to go into building. I saved small girl, then I went back outside. When I went back in, for her brother, I saw man-"[/b][/color] "What did this man look like Mr.Razpootin?" [color=00a99d][b]"-I do not know. He had hood up, hiding face. He threw a device down the hall, a bomb. I can only guess that he is the one that placed the first device in the building. Having little time, I charged into room of little girls brother and grabbed him. Once I was outside, I gave boy back to his mother and was [i]questioned[/i] by those outside. I waited at fire engine for police to arrive, and you brought me here."[/b][/color] He had told the exact same story to the fire chief, and even to the building manager. The Brotherhoods recent attack in Coast City however had everyone a little twitchy. He just hoped Ruth was doing alright on the outside. "So you're saying, some man decided to blow up a house in Palmer Square?" [color=00a99d][b]"Yes."[/b][/color] "Why would he do that?" [color=00a99d][b]"I do not know, you would have to find and question him."[/b][/color] "I don't know what it's like back where you come from, but we don't see many mutants in this district. So I find it hard to believe that when one turns up a nearby building just [i]happens[/i] to blow up by coincidence." [color=00a99d][b]"I am telling the truth, check your records. I have nothing to hide, I was mutant when I came to this country. I studied and learned to control my power, since then I have caused no trouble. Why would I change now?"[/b][/color] "That's not up to me sonny. There's gonna be an investigation." There was a knock at the door, the detective stood up and walked to the door. He rolled his eyes and stood back, as in walked [url=http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/square_medium/0/6754/162888-78380-evangeline-whedon.jpg]a woman[/url] with black hair, and tight fitting black clothes. Piotr never found her dress entirely appropriate. Though he was glad to see her. Though he was surprised she had got here so quickly. Evangeline looked at Piotr, and the chains. [color=black][i]"What do you think you're doing to my client? Why is he chained to the desk? Has he been charged?"[/i][/color] "Well no Ma'am-" [color=black][i]"Then untie him."[/i][/color] If stares could burn, the one she gave him could have burned through the chains that held his arms to the desk. "He's a mutant Ma'am." [color=black][i]"That may be so, but until a bill is passed that revokes his human rights. He still gets them, unchain him. [b]Now[/b], then get out."[/i][/color] It was the detectives turn to sigh as he walked over the desk, removing his keys from his belt he undid the chains and then walked out the door before turning back. "If you need anything-" Eva just slammed the door in his face, before moving over to the desk and sitting down, shaking her head as she did so. [color=black][i]"What the hell are you doing Peter? You know the rules."[/i][/color] Piotr looked at the desk, like a child being told off at school as he thought about his retort. [color=00a99d][b]"People were in trouble. I could not leave them to die."[/b][/color] Eva just shook her head. [color=black][i]"You're soft, you know that."[/i][/color] [color=00a99d][b]"Da."[/b][/color] She just sighed as she leaned back in her chair. [color=black][i]"You'll be glad to know though, that a neighbor collaborates your story. Congratulations! You have a witness, not to mention a thankful mother. They're just questioning you because it's procedure. You'll be out by morning."[/color] Piotr was relieved, the last thing he wanted was to end up in Ryker or any of the prisons specifically developed to holding people with abilities in. He doubted he could survive in such a place, not so much physically but mentally. In truth, it was getting harder and harder for mutants to operate. Which was why the X-Men typically only got involved in conflict against the Brotherhood or in helping mutants getting to the school. The law was complicated, he was just glad that they didn't have members of the military or some form of secret service watching them 24/7. He never really saw the problem, the Professor had tried to explain it once but he didn't understand. Yes people feared change and the unknown, but what made Mutants different from the Superheroes that existed around the globe? They too could do amazing things. One of the best examples was Superman, he was supposedly an alien. Yet there was no act banning him from operating. People saw him as a symbol of hope! Piotr just wanted the same thing, to inspire others. TO make a difference. [color=00a99d][b]"Then what are you doing here? If you already know all this."[/b][/color] [color=black][i]"Cerebros having some problems, so the Professor needs you to pick up some spare parts. He also wanted me to check you were alright."[/i][/color] Colossus just nodded as he processed the information. Cerebro was the system the Professor used to locate other mutants, so likely there was a mutant nearby that needed to be taken to the school. The fact that he was going and not Eva meant that they expected trouble, as unlike himself Eva was not registered and in fact avoided her mutation as much as possible. [color=00a99d][b]"I can do that on my way back, I would be happy to help of course."[/b][/color] [color=black][i]"You're a good man Peter, anyway I'll go tell them I'm done." She stood up and walked out the door. "I'm afraid I can't stick around though, I'm needed in Coast City. I'll catch up with you next time I'm in Wechester!"[/i][/color] Piotr smiled and waved at her. [color=00a99d][b]"I look forward to it Eva, safe journeys my friend."[/b][/color]