"Sis, cover your ears." [hider=Daisuke Miyamoto] Name: Daisuke Miyamoto Age: 16 Gender: Male Arcana: Strength Equipment: School uniform, work uniform, bicycle. Also a pretty standard smartphone, a set of boxing gloves, and a pair of knuckledusters a friend once gave him as a joke. Skills: Good runner, pretty strong, and a shockingly effective brawler. Not because he’s exceptionally skilled (though he doesn’t lack too much in that regard, either) but because Daisuke is known to never, ever stay down. Efficient worker, too, and one of the best in his restaurant. Almost supernatural ability to commute from home, to school, to work, to home in exceptionally low amounts of time. Appearance: A little taller than most young men his age, Daisuke could probably be called handsome. If you’re not one of the people who only get to see his face when it’s schooled into an expression that could be called “demonic smirk”. That’s an admittedly small group, though. Most people see the casually irreverent grin, set under bright green eyes and slightly untidy brown hair. He wears the school uniform (begrudgingly), but the jacket doesn’t usually stay fastened. Or necessarily actually on his body. A pair of sunglasses are usually tucked into his chest pocket, and they usually go on his face the instant he’s outside. When he doesn’t have to wear the uniform, he generally defaults to jeans, a simple shirt, and a black jacket. An outfit that generally shows his musculature much more easily. Much less commonly, mostly because he works far from the school, closer to his own neighborhood (and because his pride would take an irreparable hit if someone did) he can be found almost every afternoon in a fast food uniform in the low-income district’s most efficient McDonalds. Personality: At a glance, most people would say ‘delinquent’. Daisuke is not a meek young man, and doesn’t seem like he’s ever been afraid to speak his mind in his life. He doesn’t go looking for trouble, but he generally seems to find it anyway. If someone has thrown down the gauntlet, verbally or physically, he won’t hesitate to pick it up. He has no patience for bullies, either, or arrogant people. He doesn’t strike most people as exceptionally bright, either, and his grades are pretty average. Beyond that first glance, though, Daisuke is driven to succeed. He works his job enthusiastically and without complaint, and never misses an assignment for school no matter how little time he has. He has an exceptionally soft spot, albeit one rarely glimpsed, for the downtrodden. And his little sister. Especially his little sister. Most people who get to know him would agree that there aren’t many people you could trust more to have your back, even if he wouldn’t admit it. Biography: If the Miyamotos were ever wealthy, it was a long time ago. That’s not to say they don’t get by; Daisuke’s parents work hard, and they make enough money to support their family. Their frugal spending ensures they always have a little to fall back on, but even the most efficient expenditures can’t make more money out of thin air. Daisuke and his little sister, born three years after him, grew up in Shikatsu’s lower income districts. Neither their neighborhood nor their school were the nicest of places, and if you didn’t keep your wits you were liable to lose your money. The first time someone tried to rob a young Daisuke of his money, he capitulated out of fear for the consequences. And the second time. And the third time. Then he started to decide he’d had enough. His sister went to the same school, and he realized it wasn’t the example he wanted to set. Timidity, he decided, had never gotten a Miyamoto anywhere. The fourth time he refused, and earned himself a bruise or two and a trip to the headmaster’s office with his would-be robber. The fifth time he hit back. And after the fifth, despite some disciplinary action, his lunch money was never unsafe again. That time as a little kid pretty much set the tone for the rest of Daisuke’s life. Bold, stubborn, and the antithesis of timid. He had a little sister looking up to him, and that made the almost larger than life refusal to leave bullies be worth it. Not that it was all sunshine and roses. Those visits to the headmaster weren’t the last, and as he got older playground scuffles turned into schoolyard brawls. Which he just couldn’t keep up. He had a job to hang onto, almost the instant he was in high school. The fast food industry wasn’t much, but it paid. Education was paramount to the young Miyamotos’ parents, too, and they started pressuring him to perform better in school. So he forced himself to mellow out a little. Employ a little more diplomacy before he jumped straight to “punch the problem in the face”. His parents’ frugal habits had paid off, too, enough for him (and his sister, when she was old enough) to get into Uchima Senior High instead of the closer, less prestigious school he had been attending. Keeping on top of it all tends to take a lot of his time, but hey. He had an example to set. Persona Name: Benkei, formerly Oniwaka Appearance: [hider=My Hider] [img]http://pre02.deviantart.net/48d9/th/pre/i/2011/008/9/9/pda_benkei_full_view_by_thearashi-d2mg7pg.jpg[/img] [/hider] Traits: -Reflects: - -Absorbs: Fire -Void: - -Resist: Pierce -Weak: Electricity Abilities: -Evil Touch -Cleave -Bash -Single Shot [/hider]