[center][img]http://www.baku-panda.org/images/Dami+post.png[/img] [color=crimson][sub]"[b]On His Demon Head's Secret Service[/b]" // Part 10 // [ [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvC_0foemLY]Dami's iPod[/url] ] // [@GreenGrenade][/sub][/color][/center] [color=crimson][b]N E W   Y O R K[/b][/color] Want some answers? [color=crimson]"-[i]tt[/i]-"[/color] the boy uttered, a half sigh and a click of his tongue as his emerald eyes flashed up at the gangly teen. [color=crimson][i]"Want some answers?"[/i][/color] the child echoed, tossing the words back at the Spider-Boy. The sense of entitlement was grating. [color=crimson]"You're a guy in a mask who's already admitted to lying to a child."[/color] Did the words 'stranger danger' come to mind? [color=crimson]"You want to know what my teachers taught me, how does 'don't talk to strangers' soun..."[/color] The boy paused, his head cocked to one side. In a flash, he pulled the ear buds from out of his ears. The faint sound of the music from his iPod trickled out as the headphones dangled down the front of his hoodie. [color=goldenrod][i]♪...got me lifted feelin' so gifted... sugar how you get so fly...♪[/i][/color] It wasn't what he heard so much as what he didn't. As the boy's eyes scanned the park interior, it occurred to him that there was a peculiar absence of by-standers. They were out in the open in broad daylight. If Damian was looking to put a hit on the Spider-Man, he couldn't have asked for a better set up. The same was true for someone targeting him. [color=crimson]"Shouldn't this park be more heavily populated at this hour?"[/color] the boy asked, without glancing back up at the Spider-Boy. He had a [i]bad feeling[/i] about this...