The rune was locked in the beginning, yet you still said certain runes would have it. I figured that would include it in the beginning, but it didn't for whatever reason. That's what prompted me to ask in the first place. So when you said you were disabling it despite the fact you were using it on others, I figured it was a permanent decision. Corban was also aware of its maximum power, not just what he dealt with. He saw you cast it, and therefore the power that came with it. Regardless, I still dont think it would be damning based on the final edit in my previous message. I think you're paying way too close attention to the element and not the processes involved. Transmutation is a skill independant of elements. Transmutation is altering the form or nature of something. The more worldly knowledge one possesses the better the transmuter. It even states that Corban studies quite extensively on the sheet. As for the processes to create it; precision is Corban's middle name. Through the functioning class of his transmutation ability, all of those processes are quite simple. It only sounds complicated, yet can be carried out quickly when not limited to a sterile lab. Graphene can also be created in many ways besides just zinc. It is molecularly identical to diamond. Its atoms are just slightly rearranged. Corban's robes are made of graphene, also. The sublimate spell was used twice, and was continually active throughout the fight until my previous post where it was discarded. I still think its safe to say the quick-cast would work fine. Even without it, the spell falls into his primary vocation of abjuration and guarding. Creating barriers and dispels is literally second nature to him. As for the 'complexity', they aren't complex to [i]corban[/i], whom is using two of his most predominant skills where his study is centralized. Especially considering one of them is something he's been in close proximity to for majority of the fight. Both of these are quite second nature for him. So yes, I'll leave it up to Innue here. Edit: I forgot to say this after I posted, but upon Crystal's dialogue, I grant you access to all of your runes, if it hadn't already been decided somewhere that they already were, and whatever appropriate casting speed you wish. Upon deciding it would be high tier, I figured why not go all out?