[b]Name:[/b] Minori Koizumi [b]Age: [/b]16 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Arcana:[/b] Lovers [b]Equipment:[/b] - Pink Messenger Bag - Key Necklace - A pair of [url=https://36.media.tumblr.com/9e18e4f741b2d7cd03ff03b2eeb05618/tumblr_nqwhfk2BRx1rzxczio2_r1_400.png]Tessen[/url]. They're linked to one another by a thin black cord that spans about 4 feet across. The tessen themselves are the size of average folding fans. (Primary weapon(s)) [b]Skills:[/b] - Watercolour painting - Floral arrangement (works for her mother's flower store) - [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanakotoba]Flower language[/url] (as a direct result of the above) - Perceptive, at least in terms of others' emotional states (especially if their feelings are driven by insecurity as hers are) [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://36.media.tumblr.com/c29f14541616b4e138f9b3e80245acef/tumblr_nqwhfk2BRx1rzxczio1_400.png[/img] Minori's appearance has changed more within the past year than it has throughout her whole life. A personal decision led her to bleach her brown hair, dying it a pale--but still undoubtedly flashy--pink that fades to blonde. Similarly, she chose to cover up the natural green of her eyes in favour of lavender colour contacts. The cutesy braids and ribbons that she had once liked to style her hair with have been discarded, with simple side ponytails taking their place. All in all, the sixteen year old looks far more vibrant and confident than she once did--or so she hopes, anyways. Stature-wise, Minori stands at an unimpressive 5'3" which she sometimes tries to accommodate for by wearing heels. She's slender in figure and pale, a clear indication that she isn't used to heavy labour or any sort of athletics. Her clothing preferences revolve around dresses and skirts, leaning moreso to styles that could be considered "mature" and "elegant" over cute ones. [b]Personality:[/b] Bubbly, bright, and friendly, Minori gives off the impression of being a social butterfly. She makes an effort to reach out to everyone who crosses her path, paying little to no mind to matters such as social standing or other potential barriers. She appears to be at her happiest when she is surrounded by many people, and can be unrelentingly stubborn when it comes to approaching and befriending others. Unfortunately, the majority of the relationships that Minori forms are rather shallow. They are friends in that they are a familiar, friendly face that she can talk to if they happen to share a class or run into on another, but it rarely extends beyond that. This inability to form deep, meaningful bonds lies more with Minori than it does the other person, and spawns primarily from her own self-esteem issues. For all the confidence and elegance that she [i]tries[/i] to exude, she is in fact a rather awkward and timid individual. Her feelings of self-worth are heavily linked to how she thinks others perceive her and as a result, her personality and mannerisms have shifted to assimilate to how she thinks the other people would like her to act. However, this personality is but a mask--it sits only on the surface, but does not penetrate and change who Minori is at her core. It is for that reason that she tries to keep people at a friendly distance lest they get too close and discover that she is not, in fact, as poised and put-together as she seems. In reality, Minori's "flawed" self--really, her real, natural self--is not that much different from any other teenage girl. She is still warm and compassionate, albeit far more soft-spoken than her facade. There is a hint of awkwardness in the way she carries herself and she appears to be far more easily embarrassed by things, though the latter can be attributed to the fact that she simply suppresses or brushes off said embarrassment when acting as her more upbeat counterpart. Her original personality was the base in which her "new" personality was built upon, and while there are some prominent differences, those who truly get to know her may find that it's not as drastic of a change as Minori would think. [b]Biography:[/b] Minori was born into a family of three that consisted of her mother, her father, and a sister--Natsumi--who was 7 years her elder. She had a content childhood, but she had always been a rather quiet child; she was skittish and shy in contrast to her much more outgoing sister. Those who met the siblings always praised Natsumi more than they did her, complimenting her on her clever wit and sociability while Minori was simply looked upon as being "sweet"; she didn't really mind though, content with hiding behind the sister whom she loved with all her heart. This continued on until she was fifteen. Throughout the years, very little changed, with the only exception that Natsumi's beauty had been brought into the circle of praise as well. She had grown up beautifully, gone to a top school, and found a lovely boyfriend. Since they were so close, Minori was incredibly happy for her, up until the point where she found out that her sister was getting married and that they planned to move elsewhere after the wedding. All of a sudden, Minori had lost that protective "shield". She was pulled out of her sister's shadow and thrown into the light. As soon as her sister moved away, her parents'--particular her mother's--attention soon turned on her. While there was never any doubt that they loved both of their daughters, it had always been clear that Natsumi had been her mother's princess--the favourite. This had never bothered Minori before, but now that she was the only one living at home, her mother began to pay more attention to her. And it wasn't all good. Although it probably wasn't meant to be malicious, her mother frequently compared her to Natsumi. Why was she inside tinkering on the piano when she could be out with friends, like how her sister used to spend her Saturdays? Why couldn't she greet the customers at the store more brightly like how Natsumi used to? Why wasn't she more outgoing, more fashionable, more-- She got offhanded comments from the people who visited their flower shop as well, mostly little things like how they missed her sister, or how she "didn't really look like Natsumi". They were all innocent little comments--harmless, really--but each of them created cracks in her self-esteem on top of the much bigger ones that her mother inadvertently made. And so when she turned sixteen, she decided to change it all to become more like the daughter that people seemed to want her to be. She found it to be a struggle at first, and upon looking in the mirror one morning, she realized that it was her appearance that was the problem; people who had known her for years had trouble associating her gentle, girlish appearance with anything but the shy girl that she had always been, and this included Minori herself. It was for that reason that she decided to go for a full makeover, going so far as to buy herself a new wardrobe. The pink hair and lavender contacts somehow made her feel stronger, more confident. Although people were surprised at first, they seemed to take quickly to the change, which only served as positive reinforcement for the girl. Needless to say, Minori relies heavily on her new look and refuses to be anywhere--even at home with her parents--without it. [u][b]Persona[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Ao Bing [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/497e35c86f0608148f87b04f4d6b2354/tumblr_nqwhfk2BRx1rzxczio5_r1_500.png[/img] [b]Traits:[/b] [i]-Reflects:[/i] -- [i]-Absorbs:[/i] Ice [i]-Void:[/i] -- [i]-Resist:[/i] Strike [i]-Weak:[/i] Electric [b]Abilities:[/b] Bufu Rakukaja Tarunda