[center][sub][@Sep]||Ivy & Colossus Part 1[/sub] [img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11111/111118828/4027852-poison+ivy+banner.jpg[/img][/center] [right]Chicago[/right]Ivy frowned. It was a deep frown. So deep that some would call it a glare. And she did this frown at everyone. People parted in front of her like she was holding a gun. And for a busy city like Chicago, people getting out of someone's way was rare on busy streets. Yet that was what was happening. And it still wasn't enough to cool the raging fire of Ivy's hate. Nor was the tiredness tugging at her bones. She had been awake now for nearly two days. Yet she couldn't rest. Not when every time she closed her eyes she saw the bruised face of Paul or the tear streaked cheeks of Danielle. Sarah's kidnapping was like another bullet through her body. Still, even being awake didn't mean she was safe from her memories of last night. [i]"[color=1a7b30]Where's Sarah?[/color]"[/i] She could still hear the words echo in her head. [i]"I'm sorry."[/i] Paul's answer had been heart breaking. [i]"I'm sorry. I'm sorry."[/i] Ivy had gathered the injured boy into her arms and crooned until he stopped crying. Of course that mean squishing Dani between them, but neither of them complained. [i]"[color=1a7b30]It wasn't your fault.[/color]" Ivy smoothed Paul's hair back from his face. "[color=1a7b30]I promise you that. It wasn't your fault. Tell me what happened.[/color]" Dread was eating at her. At the idea of what might have happened to Sarah. "He took her." Paul sniffled. "He took her and I wasn't strong enough to stop him." Ivy felt Dani tremble at the words. The young girl still clung to her as if it would make everything better. She made herself continue to question Paul. No matter how much she didn't want to. "[color=1a7b30]Who Paul. Did you know him?[/color]" Paul shook his head and sniffled again. "No." He reached back out for Ivy and she readily pulled him back into another hug. "But Sarah did. She called him David."[/i] Ivy pulled herself out the memory as she turned the corner to another street. There were houses crowded all together. She took a second to look out house numbers. It had taken some work to secure a computer late at night and look up David Lester's current address. But she had succeeded. The man was a violent drunk. Ivy had known his wife, Lily, before he beat her to death. The woman never wanted to press charges or to leave David. She kept insisting that he was a good man. Ivy forced her hands to unclench. Lily and David had lived in Seattle back then. Ivy had taken Sarah after her mother's death without a word to David. He didn't deserve the child. And she wasn't going to let Sarah be abused either. Yet somehow the man and found Sarah and had taken her back. Ivy's footsteps faltered as she reached the building marked 2234. She was regarding the buzzer numbers when there was a loud crash followed by a man falling, screaming out of a second story window.