Firstly, I wouldn't say any of that constitutes preps to your ray. You merely mentioned the mask, never stated any power was growing or anything that could convince me it was powering up at all. The only thing it seemed to be 'prepping' was the water pouring from its mouth. If 'prepping' was just having something active, do you know how powerful my disjunction should be when it was active the whole fight? I also said nothing Corban did was enchantment. All transmutation and free manipulation of materials. Not sure if you used that word accidentally but yeah, when trying to have an official ruling wording is important. Also, it was [i]created[/i] having those preturnatural properties. Not made, then extended. The disjunction, as I argued before, would sublimate the kinetic energy, and most other forms of energy present within which would both decrease the mass(gravity) it has, which would protect the aerogel coating. Even of the aerogel was [i]still[/i]destroyed, it would take a good bit of the bite out of the attack, and it would still have to penetrate magically insulated crystal(which I allowed it to do as a show of sportsmanship). All those defenses, and it still junked up Corban's barrier pretty well. I also have several other reasons Corban's reaction time(beyond having superhuman abilities that intuitively would include that) would be fine given the factors surrounding it in the spoiler on my post and within the post itself.