[quote=@Darth] In quasi-related news, I've started up the project I discussed a month or two ago, the [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/barton-ooc/gcl-the-gaian-combat-league-main-thread-off-season/t.99434887/]Gaian Combat League[/url] as a sort of spiritual successor to the large-scale tournaments my community used to have. Right now I'm pulling together staff and developing auxiliary threads to discuss things like [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/barton-ooc/gcl-how-to-character-balance/t.99483229/]character balance[/url] and fighting etiquette while gauging interest in the project. So far it's been going reasonably well. [/quote] Interesting stuff, I'll keep an eye on it. I might feel like fighting before it gets underway and I've been looking for other places to find giants to slay, I'm pretty much done with RPG in that regard, except Skallagrim, but he never sticks around long enough for me to finish beating him up.