[@iatos] Here's my CS! :> Idk whether you allow people to post in the characters section before they're accepted or not, so I'll just,,, leave this here. [hr] [hider=CS][center][img]http://56.media.tumblr.com/1fd6b75661fd6266c3fa42449374f4ce/tumblr_nvar3lv8g11qh8jo8o3_1280.png[/img][/center] [hr] Name: Posy Age: 19 Specie: Poochyena Gender: Female Orientation: Bisexual biromantic Type: Dark Nature: Hasty Ability: Quick Feet Moves: - Odour Sleuth - Covet - ☆☆☆ - ☆☆☆ - ☆☆☆ - ☆☆☆ Mysterious gem location, shape and accessory type: A silver necklace with a small, coral coloured gem in the shape of an oval. Usually hidden under her clothes. Other: Posy's your standard gijinka -- nothing particularly special about her physical appearance. Unlike many other Poochyena, however, she doesn't quite seem to know her limits (especially when it comes to backing out of fights). Combining this with her impulsive nature, this.... usually just lands her in trouble. When battling, Posy tends to be more of a melee fighter and prefers throwing punches and the like instead of relying on her Pokemon moves. (Of course, she'll still use them when necessary, but she generally just doesn't go there.) As for skills, she seems to vaguely remember something about crafting makeshift weapons out of mundane, everyday items (??). It's mostly muscle memory, though, and she'll draw a blank if specifically asked for something.[/hider]