[quote=@MelonHead] tl;dr Statistics are a limiting factor which is what makes them useful, generally vague descriptions of abilities are going to leave too much room for subjectivity and cause problems in ranked fights. [/quote] IDK... I think these 'problems' only arise when both sides become more dead-set on winning than on having fun. I've personally experienced bullshitting of the kind you describe. However, I can make up for this by having vague abilities of my own. If someone says "but my attack/defense is stronger!" then I'll just ask them how they know. With no numbers to support either side, the attack that comes out on top is usually the one with more preparation and planning behind it. Of course, I've had opponents who just BSed their way through everything I threw at them regardless- but they [i]knew[/i] they were bullshitting, and eventually conceded with barely any argument and no need for judge intervention. Honor is not dead, it just takes a little patience to lure it out. Not saying that numbers are bad per se, but I've dealt with vagueness in plenty of fights, and it's never stopped me from having fun or wrecking faces. [quote=@Darth] In quasi-related news, I've started up the project I discussed a month or two ago, the [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/barton-ooc/gcl-the-gaian-combat-league-main-thread-off-season/t.99434887/]Gaian Combat League[/url] as a sort of spiritual successor to the large-scale tournaments my community used to have. [/quote] I am so in!