[b]Name:[/b] Narissa Vendalien [b]Race:[/b] Alufiend [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 107, looks to be 26 [b]Birthday:[/b] 35 Vermillio, 193 DM [b]Birthplace:[/b] Pyresia [b]Resides in:[/b] Travelling [b]Occupation:[/b] Mercenary (5 GP/day) [b]Appearance:[/b] The striking physical features which Narissa were blessed with are rarely ever seen. Despite having hair which is naturally soft and a golden brown color, Narissa has kept it shoulder length and disheveled. Her hair is accompanied by skin whose natural complexion is comparable to marble, though one would never tell it by how dirty and grime covered it is. Narissa has eyes of bright blue like that of the sea. Though beautiful in their own right, the sea blue eyes are supported by high, but full, cheekbones and a narrow jawline creating a striking support to them. Though one would think that the scar which runs under her right eye, just along the cheekbone, would make her less beautiful, it adds such a fitting contrast to her face that it only enhances her beauty. Narissa posses a naturally lithe form which is attractive to most males and females. Standing at five feet and three inches in height, she is far from an imposing figure and her hundred and twenty-two pounds of weight does not help it. Yet, one cannont deny that her frame in-of-itself is strikingly beautiful in its own way. Her thin waist and wide hips, in relation to her waist of course, create a small but tight set of abs and run perfectly together down to her strong and well toned legs. Despite her form being naturally small, Narissa posses an ample bust which she often keeps bound with linen. Her small shoulders, measuring at barely over a foot and a half in length, though compact, are quite strong and toned and lead to equally toned arms ending in small, thin hands. Despite all these features being that of a beautiful woman, this is generally not what she looks like as she purposefully makes her frame less appealing with loose and often dirty clothing. Though, this does not mean that she is not capable of cleaning up for, when the need arises, Narissa can clean up her form and become quite beautiful. That is, if one does not mind a woman who has a small set of grey-ish black wings protruding from her back. [b]Personality:[/b] Narissa is an unusual being if you look at her from a psychological level. Possessing a general attitude which emanates defiance, she clashes with most anyone who possess a similarly dominant personality. She prefers to work alone, believing that most others are far to inexperienced to not be a detriment, an attitude which has often proven to be correct. Yet, Narissa avoids clashing with employers or those ho the employer hires to work with her as she knows that one does not cross the person paying you or a coworker for both have their on ways of getting back at you. As such, she often hides her true thoughts and has come to mask it all behind fake emotions or limit her interactions with them. Though, her defiance also shows in her complete abhorrence of her nature and, as such, hides her natural features. But that is in her professional life and how she appears to others at first glance. Often times, Narissa is a very caring woman who knows full well, from experience of course, how fragile life is. She is often distant with new people, afraid that they could leave as quickly as they came. Yet, once one finally see Narissa open up, they will meet a woman who wishes to protect those dear to her. She is slow to anger and quick to forgive, knowing that, in the eyes of an immortal, hatred of another is nothing more than a rotting curse that one holds onto. Try as she might, Narissa can't help but get attached to those she likes, knowing full well that she would likely end up watching them die in the end. Narissa greatly fears dying alone because of her curse, as she call it, of being an alufiend. She solely wishes to die with one she loves and who loves her. Neither monsters nor heights nor natural disasters instill fear in this young woman though she does intensely worry about those affected by them. Though a simple woman in most matters, Narissa will admit that she wishes to live a finer life, one which does not involve living in the wilderness. [i]"I am something I hate and wish for something I can't have. Quite a mess, am I not?"[/i] [b]History:[/b] The life of Narissa, a child born from the lust of man, was never an easy one. She was an orphan early on in her life, having been abandoned by a mother who saw a child as nothing but a weight which needed to be cut. Having never been adopted, Narissa aged out of her home at sixteen and learned of her powers as an alufiend the hard way. [b]Skills:[/b] Weapon (Melee, Whips)- 41 (11 + 30 Racial) Weapon (Melee, Daggers)- 24 Acrobatics- 15 Climbing- 10 Wilderness Survival- 5 Hunting- 5 Observation- 5 Riding (Horse)- 5 Cooking- 5 Tracking- 5 Special Abilities: Able to drain life force from males through sex, this increases the age of the victim and decreases the age of the Alufiend, down to the age at which she became an adult. Total: 90 + 30(Racial) [b]Languages:[/b] Common(Fluent) [b]Possessions:[/b] Quantity | Item | Acquired | Value 1 | Explorer's Outfit (Linen) | Starting | 10 GP 1 | Traveler's Cloak (Wool) | Starting | 10 GP 1 | Studded Leather (Torso) | Starting | 25 GP 1 | Cuisses (Leather) | Starting | 6 GP 1 | Greaves (Leather) | Starting | 6 GP 2 | Daggers (Cold Iron) | Starting | 16 GP 2 | Grappling Hook | Starting | 2 GP 2 | Rope, Hemp (10ft) | Starting | 1 GP 1 | Chain Whip (Steel) | Starting | 75 GP [b][u]Travel Kit Including[/u][/b] 1 | Tent, Large, 6 Person | Starting | 15 GP 1 | Backpack | Starting | 2 GP 1 | Bedroll | Starting | 1 GP 1 | Blanket, Winter | Starting | 5 SP 1 | Fishing Kit | Starting | 15 GP 1 | Fishing Net (25 sq ft) | Starting | 4 GP 1 | Flint and Steel | Starting | 1 GP 1 | Lantern, Bullseye | Starting | 12 GP 1 | Pot, Iron | Starting | 1 GP 1 | Rope (100ft) | Starting | 10 GP 2 | Torch | Starting | 4 CP 2 | Waterskin | Starting | 2 GP 1 | Horse, Light, Warhorse | Starting | 150 GP 1 | Bit and Bridle | Starting | 2 GP 1 | Saddle, Riding | Starting | 10 GP 1 | Saddlebags, Large | Starting | 8 GP *Any remainder after this point is used for 1 years expenses, starts in Saffra 301 DM [hider=Pria] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f5/66/b0/f566b0626d6df1a8e355f29f0fbde56b.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Ledger:[/b] Cost | Item | Subtotal 48 GP | Starting Gold | 48 GP, 0 SP, 0 CP [b]Story List:[/b] Date - URL - Characters involved