Hypocrisy is what pisses me off... and I'm [i]seething [/i]right now. Like, is this some horribly demeaning tactic to try and make me argue with less rationality, and more hate? [i]Cool down, Daz, cool down... [/i] Alright... It's stated the runes were written, and several turns progressed. The rune was written, the rune was prepared. If you forgot that it was written... you made a mistake! I don't have to continually remind you that it exists if it's created, because I assume you don't have a goldfish memory. You cannot ignore/forget my preps, then say they don't exist. Are you so desperate? Comprehend that different forms of magic work in different ways; My character creates spells that can be dormant until activated. You accepted battling Myron's sheet, with all the information available to you. I accepted a battle with Corban, with minimal information given to me. So far I've given you far more respect than you've given me. Corban's spells always take roughly one turn to both prep and activate, sometimes less! Multiple spells in fractions of seconds? I've never seen a single one of your abilities actually take a logical amount of time time to activate. Myron's runic spells that he has to conjure from nothing always took 2 or more turns. You are not properly prepping your spells; therefore your argument should reflect on your own hypocrisy. Those two spells made in a fraction of a second should be null and void. Because prep means logical time casted. And you sir, do not prep.