A prep is not inherently connected to cast time. Both of my attacks were unprepped so you're arguing against something that was never presented to begin with. What i said was, if simply mentioning something a single time and then leaving it active counted as a prep, my disjunction has been 'prepping' the whole fight. Then Suddenly you throw a hissy fit when I suggest I get the same treatment. Do not assume I'm desperate because you bring a prep out of NOWHERE, which is suddenly beyond convenient for you, while following none of the rules governing preps whatsoever. Simply MENTIONING something a single time does not constitute a prep. Not under Eden era codes of conduct. Dont even try that. If it's dormant, genius, then how in the [i]hell[/i] is it prepped? Respect? I've shown nothing but respect, but its time I correct this travesty. Lets not even get into how I totally ignored the blatant overextention of your characters earth abilities. He had to cheat on all his exams to even pass yet can isolate corbans specific kinetic disturbances whilst a kinetic sink is being activated and all the things going on would have made the vibrations indeterminable from the other? I overlooked many, many glaring oversights in your post in the name of fun and sportsmanship, and even allowed my barrier to be damaged in a show of good faith. I even gave you access to [i]all[/i] your runes. That's right, the space-time ones, too. I gave you everything asked for both in pm's and the public eye. A prep is not 'logical time casted'. A prep is a gauge of power placed into an action.