[Center] [img]http://www.sbs.com.au/popasia/sites/sbs.com.au.popasia/files/styles/full/public/Waldstein_Academy_Occult_Academy.jpg?itok=FCyrdCXl&mtime=1407302905[/img] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/Center] The world of Nevada is one full of power. In Nevada, power is not only sought, it is seen as a luxury. This power, which all of the human population uses on a daily basis, is called Aeon. It is what fuels the growth of life and causes the decay of death. Every living being, from the versatile human to the common farm animal, all have the ability to draw upon the powers of Aeon. Even Nevada itself can use Aeon, as seen within it's beautiful creations within nature and it's unnaturally destructive weather patterns. Those that can use Aeon to an extraordinary extent are called Invokers, and are an integral part of life. Invokers are known far and wide for their ability to create new inventions for society's use, become strong leaders for their communities, and fight as Heroes within the military. Academies all across Nevada are dedicated to drawing out the power of Invokers, but they have always only accepted those of the human race. Now, a newly created Academy has risen up in the backwater country of Noir, with the completely unheard of acceptance of all races, and a Headmaster of unknown origins. The A.E.I.O.U. will become a new, revolutionary Academy that will allow any and all sentient beings, and no one knows how it will turn out. [Center] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [color=00a99d][b]What, exactly, is Aeon, and what are it's limits?[/b][/color][/center] Aeon is an energy that flows through everything, and is easily manipulated by sentient beings. Human beings are the most common users of Aeon, but several other races have been known to use it as well. In every aspect of living, Aeon is used time and time again, especially in man-made inventions. Airships, lights, weaponry, it is present everywhere. When one has first made contact with their inner control of Aeon, every individual has a different manifestation of the power. Whether it's the manipulation of a certain element, a extraordinary proficiency in a subject, or a physical change, Aeon will both change itself to suit the user, and the users themselves to suit the limitless power of Aeon. In time, the user will develop more disciplines for the usage of Aeon, until they are able to manipulate it however they please. Each user of Aeon has a different way of "invoking" their power. Some need volatile emotions, others can control them with their will, most start of with needing gestures to command their power, the movements allowing the Aeon within them to flow freely and quickly. It is universally accepted that gestures or another physical medium give the most control over Aeon, but a mental user shows a high amount of skill. [Hider=Aeon in Death] Death in Nevada is very strange. When a sentient being dies, they aren't truly gone after their heart stops pumping and when their mind stops thinking. The Soul and the excess Aeon that exists inside of them don't disappear, instead flowing out of the body and fusing together, creating a Spirit. Spirits have no lives of their own. They are mere shadows of the being they were before. No purpose, no feelings, no hopes, no dreams. They live their boring, useless lives until their Soul finally disappears, the Aeon returning to the world to be used again. There have been no recorded incidents of a completely normal revival from death, even by the most powerful of Invokers. Even those that die only seconds before their revival are completely different from the person they were before.[/hider] [Hider=Aspects] When it is used by sentient beings, it's usage is divided into three different Aspects: Creation, Existence, and Destruction. Aeon used for Creation allows one to create objects for the use the world around them, adding matter to the world and building up the structure of the Universe. Until the area of concept is reached, Creation users will find that they are very limited within their area. Examples of Creation are light, runes and nature. Existence is the manipulation of what has already been created, tailoring the world to the user's needs. Most Existence Disciplines need a constant supply of Aeon to function, but there are a few exceptions. Examples of Existence are the manipulation of the Elements, Physical Changes caused by Aeon, and Alchemy's Equivalent Exchange. Destruction does exactly what it says on the tin: destroys. It is the complete annihilation of the world around one's self, and is used most often by the soldiers of the military. The single, pure example known of Destruction is the manipulation of the Void, a dark, tainted version of Aeon that destroys even matter itself, not allowing the energy to be recycled for usage once more. The manipulation of the Void is the only Discipline that cannot be learned, it can only be acquired naturally. Disciplines can hop between the Aspects when the user has become able to touch the concepts of reality, but they would never be as powerful as a pure Discipline. For example, the Headmaster is rumored to be able to destroy objects with nearly the same power as Destruction, but is known to specifically use Fire, an Existence manipulation. However, the damages done by his Aeon is not permanent like the damage done by the Void would. This anomaly, created by a break between reality and "concepts", is called a Manifestation.[/hider] With enough practice, study, and inner talent, the powers given by Aeon are limitless, the most powerful Invokers have been known to even toy with the concepts of Time, Gravity, and the Laws of Nature itself. Creation and Existence users are what make up 95% of the population within the world of Nevada, while 4% are Destruction users. a single percent of sentient beings are those who are completely immune to Aeon, both it's usage and it's effects. These beings are called the Null, and are marked with a permanent helix spiral on the surface of their skin, branded onto them by the world itself. [Hider=The Void] The Void is a strange entity within the world of Nevada. It is both natural and unnatural, right as well as wrong, destructive but also creative. The Void is the corruption of Aeon within the world, an anomaly of birth that becomes hereditary after it appears even once within a family tree. It is the only Discipline of Aeon that is strictly Destruction, even after a Manifestation is found, and all other forms of Aeon cannot compare to it's sheer power to destroy. It is so immense, so strong, that even the beginning students of it are able to wield great power as easy as breathing. However, this Discipline is both a boon as well as a curse. The Void's purpose is one thing = destroy. Everything and anything within it's path is utterly annihilated, down to the particle and even smaller. If even a single hesitation, a disruption in the mind, is felt within a user, they will be swallowed by their own power, along with everything around them in a 10 kilometer radius. Sentients all across Nevada have been using a certain seal that would stop the Void from being passed down within their families, in fear that their own children would succumb to the power. This is the reason why the population of Void users is so small: the people themselves are killing off the potent power.[/hider] [Center] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [color=fff200][b]The Academy Itself[/b][/color][/center] The A.E.I.O.U. is located within the center of a luscious forest that spans thousands of yards, on top of a forested plateau. A hidden, runic barrier stretches all around the Academy grounds, and 200 feet above the Academy itself. This barrier doesn't allow any anomalies to enter it's domain unless they obtain a certain Glyph etched into them. The only current way to actually enter the Academy and exit the Academy grounds safely is by airship, specifically "The Blight", which is operated and maintained by the teachers of the Academy. The airship is docked near the forest floor, and a flight of stairs lead to the actual Academy from there. There are three main buildings in the Academy, and other very important areas on the campus. [Hider=AEIOU Campus] Dorms: The Dorms are located on the left side of the Academy, and is where students are able to relax and live during their enrollment. Each room is supplied with a king sized bed, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a living room space. Students are allowed to tailor their rooms with their own personal effects, but are not allowed to "expand into other rooms". Certain rooms are much larger than others, but those rooms are only for the Beast or Animal species that are larger than a normal human, such as a Minotaur. Each room has a lock, which is "keyed" to the student's Aeon and is locked to all others. The student may allow others to use their lock by opening the lock and allowing them to "key" into the lock's systems. Supply: The Supply building is located on the right side of the Academy, noticeable by it's dome-like roofing, and is filled with all of the material and items a future Invoker would need. The Supply building includes labs for Aeon testing, an ever expanding library, a cafeteria for those that can't cook for themselves, as well as a large Dinner Hall that is used for announcements and school-provided feasts.There is a large supply of items that certain Disciplines would need, such as potion ingredients and carving tools. Students can buy general items and equipment from a general store inside, but must gain approval from the Headmaster to be able to buy something specific from a city. The Supply building has a basement, but it is only more space for storage if it is ever needed. In case of an emergency within the Academy for whatever reason, the basement is the bunker where students must head towards. Office: The Office building is the tallest building on the campus, and is the centerpiece of the Academy. This is where the faculty lives, as well as teaches it's students. Most of the classrooms are located at the bottom floors, while the faculty's living arrangements are located at the top floors. The highest floor, which is pretty much an office within itself, is the Headmaster's office. The middle floors are not accessible by students, as they are filled with classified information about both students, teachers, current events, and the Academy itself. Courtyard: The Courtyard is the entire area between the 3 buildings, and is used by the Headmaster for Combat classes. Many students spend their free time out here, just lounging in the sun and socializing. The Forest: A certain part of the Forest near the Supply building is accessible, and is where Gilfrid Greenhorn both lives and teaches his classes. Going past certain markers in this area is forbidden, and the Academy is not responsible for any injuries you may sustain while over this boundary. [/hider] [Center] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [color=f7941d][b]Sentient Beings, or Races that can use Aeon.[/b][/color][/center] Humans [Hider=Humanity]The most plentiful and advanced of Aeon users. Not very extraordinary in any aspects, but have been known to be the most creative of all the Sentients. Sadly, they are the most discriminative of the Races, seeing Daemons as evil creatures of the night, and Beasts as savage, uninhibited, mindless beings.[/hider] Daemons [Hider=Children of the Night]Sentient beings that have a humanoid appearance, but have benefits and weaknesses that Humans do not. They are able to live much longer than Humans, usually at least 3 times their life span, but they do not have a powerful connection with the Aeon within the world like humans do, limiting their manipulation of it. Examples are Vampires, those that live off of the Aeon within others. Shapeshifters, whom have a adverse reaction when exposed to high amounts of Aeon, changing them to a different form and gaining the powers that come with the form. These forms are varied, among these are the illustrious dragon, the fabled yeti, and the ungodly shoggoth. Lastly, Doppelgangers, those that can change their form willingly through the manipulation of the Aeon within themselves, but do not gain the same benefits as Shapeshifters do, making it a glorified illusion.[/hider] Animals/ Beasts [hider=Creatures of all sizes] Certain species of animals and beasts can manipulate the power of Aeon. They are able to use it to speak different tongues, change into human form, double their normal lifespan (A dog may live up to 30 years if under the influence of Aeon), and even manipulate Existence to a degree higher than a Human. However, they cannot rid themselves of small features that would oust them from human society (usually their tails, or having an extra set of animal ears that shouldn't be on a human body), and are unable to use Creation, nor Destruction. The species that can tap into Aeon are numerous beyond measure, as more and more of them are exposed every year. Examples that can tap into Aeon are bears, dogs, kitsune, barometz, and manticores. Examples that cannot are cattle, chickens, and most reptiles.[/hider] [color=ed1c24]XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX Classified Information XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX[/color] [hider=Dread] The Dread, a corrupted species that had been created by a rogue Invoker with unparalleled power over Destruction. They are mindless, savage beings that seek the complete annihilation of Aeon in the world. With bodies of a vile purple and forms of tortured beings, they are capable of controlling Destruction to a ludicrous degree, but are unable to use any other Aspect, nor touch the concepts of the world. However, they are not to be triffled with. The reason that their bodies are colored the way they are is because they are literally made of the corrupted Aeon, Void. Even touching them would cause unhealable wounds. The best thing about them is that they won't go after you if you don't manipulate Aeon around them. Thank the gods for that. They are dangerous enough. Flee on sight, or if unable, end your own life as quick as you can. They are nearly impossible to kill through the use of Aeon, and need to be stricken with repeated, puncturing force to expunge the influence of the Void. Any and all attacks inflicted by a Dread are impossible to heal, and are usually fatal. Only a transplant of a limb or another Void user could fix the deformations. Any Headmaster that sights a Dread upon their grounds must quickly evacuate their students as quickly as possible, and must contact the D.I.M., The Department of Interior Monstrosities. [/hider] [Center] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [color=00a651][b]The World's 5 Main Kingdoms[/b][/color][/center] The Five Kingdoms of Nevada comprise the "Center of the Universe", a group of four Islands that actually circle around a single Continent. They are as follows: Astra [hider=Astra]The Central Kingdom. It is located on the continent in the "Center of the Universe". A tropical, exotic continent where only the highest class of Humans, the Government and Invokers, are allowed to live. At the Center of it's main city, Alistair, a Well of pure Aeon is securely guarded and protected. Should the Well ever be compromised, the one that controlled it would rule the whole continent, and potentially the whole archipelago. [/hider] Polaris [Hider=Polaris]The Second Kingdom, located on the second biggest island that circles Astra, and the island with the highest population of Humans. It's capital is named Carne, while Noir is the smallest country that is located upon it. [/hider] Gaia [Hider=Gaia]The Animal Kingdom, located on the largest island that circles Astra, nearly rivaling the continent in size. Hilariously, it is shaped like a banana. There is no actual government in the land, but there is a representative that speaks for the whole Kingdom. Only Beasts and Animals live upon this island... except a very few exceptions. [/hider] Hellios [Hider=Hellios]The "Living" Kingdom. The second smallest island the circles Astra, and is home to the long living Daemons. The island is covered by an ever present blanket of dark clouds. Some say that these clouds are what gave Daemons their connection to Aeon in the first place. Zombies, Ghouls, the occasional Dark Elf, and many, many other species live within it's shadow. A Council of Five rule over the island, and keep the peace. [/hider] Fallanod [Hider=Fallanod] The Sunken Kingdom, the last and smallest of the islands that circle Astra. Named by the destruction of it's government during the beginnings of the [s]Dread[/s]. There is a primitive civilization that still exists on the island which actually accepts all Races, but it is nearly impossible to gain contact with them. [/hider] These Five Kingdoms form the Central Government, but there is an immeasurable amounts of islands that litter Nevada. [Center] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [color=f7976a][b]Final Remarks/ Information[/b][/color][/center] [color=8882be]The Compendium[/color] [hider=Currently used Disciplines] Hi there! If you don't know what this is, this is a list of currently used Disciplines within the Academy! This is not your only selection to choose from, but it'll help you get an idea on what you can do with your Aeon. Creation Disciplines: Astral Bodies - The sun, the moon, the stars. All of their powers are under this control. In the beginning, one will only feel their body strengthened by the different Astral Bodies, with the Sun blessing one with speed, and the Moon giving strength. As they progress, they will be able to create stars themselves within the palm of their hand, using their own created cosmos as their guide. This Discipline is DANGEROUS to the maximum degree, only trumped by the Void. A single mistake can end the life of a foolish user, and mistakes are VERY easy to make. Runes - By enscribing a certain combination of symbols onto a surface or object, then injecting a sort of start up power, Aeon, you are able to bring an inanimate to life from almost nothing nothing. No resource, no Equivalent Exchange. They are self sustaining, and as real as can be. Examples of things created by Runes are Golems and Elementals. A Thrall (Skyrim) can be considered to be created from Runes as well. A very dangerous, energy taxing, and difficult Discipline. Existence Disciplines: Alchemy - A transmutation circle is created around an area or object, and causes a transformation of form or matter. This Discipline can change the structure of things, such as using a piece of ground to make a wall, changing the material of an object or breaking apart a metal structure. However, Alchemy is limited by the law of Equivalent Exchange, as well as not having any superiority over another Discipline (Ex: An Alchemy created wall would never be as strong as a Earth created wall, unless there was a sizable gap between the two users.) Elements (Fire, Lightning, Metal, Nature, etc.) - These, as their title says, are the control over the 'Elements' within the world. They aren't necessarily the elements of the periodic table, but they are 'Elements in their own right. An element is much more easily manipulated if more of it is within the area (Ex: A braizer of fire for a Fire user), but they aren't necessary. If a medium isn't present for them to work through, then the user can directly form it using their own inner supply of Aeon. Students are never able to use all of the Elements at once, but instead learn them each, one by one as they grow in strength. Glyphs* - A set combination of symbols, fueled by the users Aeon, that can influence the objects and entities around it. It can buff allies and debuff enemies, as well as affect the environment itself. Unlike Runes, Glyphs need to be constantly fueled by the users Aeon, until they are no longer needed. Most of the currently used inventions within Nevada are powered by these. Magic - Waving a medium within a certain pattern, or chanting a certain combination of words, will allow the user channel pure Aeon into an intended form. Magic is very versatile, being able to use different forms that are similar to most Disciplines. However, Magic can never triumph over the actual Discipline. (Ex: A healing spell from a Magic user could never beat the healing of Restoration.) Magic Circles can appear under an inherently powerful user, or under a user that invokes a powerful spell. These Magic Circles boost the magnitude of the spell, but cause a much larger drain upon the user. Seals* - A combination of symbols that allow one to seal one entity into another. Objects, beings, Aeon-infused attacks, it all depends on the symbols that the user chooses to use. However, there is a price that is asked when trying to seal a sentient being: Blood. *Both Glyphs and seals are dangerous in their own right, as both of them NEED precision and accuracy. A single mis-stroke can change the meaning of a symbol entirely. What once was a freezing trap becomes a potential black hole. What once would have sealed a bottle in a piece of paper instead seals your hand. Both Disciplines use a different set of symbols, but they are some what similar between the two. Soul - A manipulation of one's Soul, either their own or of those around them. This manipulation causes changes within the target's being. From something as subtle as changing a motivation, to directly crushing their will to fight. One may one day be able to crush the Soul of another with sheer willpower, but that is only for those capable of achieving the level of 'concept', and only for those who gain that certain kind of Manifestation. Spirit - A control over those who have already died in the mortal world, and now live among the people as invisible Spirits. These Spirits have no minds of their own, and their bodies of Aeon are as malleable as gold, so a Spirit user would be able to do multiple things with them, such as manifesting the Spirit into an actual object. One can even project a Spirit to clash with a living person's Soul, disrupting the connection between body and mind. Manifestations: Mastery: A boosted control over one's Aeon, allowing their Aspect to affect Time, Space, and the Laws of Nature to certain extents, depending on the Invoker's latent skill and power. The most common Manifestation in the universe, as well as one of the weakest. The Jack of All Trades. -Hephaestus Sin The Single White Flame - This Manifestation is a unique one, as most Manifestations are, and is a Manifestation of the Fire Element. The user's flame is hotter than the flames of the sun, and is able to destroy everything around it as easily as the Void may. However, anything it destroys is not annihilated to the particle, allowing the world to recycle the matter for use once more. This is connected to the user's will, and is as powerful as the user needs it to be. -The Headmaster Weapon of the Soul - This Manifestation is of the Soul, and is the most commonly found Manifestation. A physical embodiment of one's Soul, mostly commonly a form used for battle. The user takes half of their Soul from their body, creating a new form which mirrors the user's personality. Each Weapon has a specific weak spot that may or may not be different from the rest of the weapon. Should the weak point Weapon of the Soul ever break, the part of Soul that is used will be lost forever, leaving the user alive, but unable to feel nor retain memories. The user CAN use another person's Soul, but they first have to give their permission, and have a strong connection. Otherwise, the Weapon will be fragile, and shatter the moment anything stronger than a wind blows on it. -Aurelia Borealis' "Hopeless Justice" [/hider] [color=662d91][b]Teachers and Classes[/b][/color] Unlike other Academies, the Teachers are as lax with the students' clothing rules as they are with their own, sometimes even wearing pajamas while teaching. Mr. Sin, however, only wears his armor. He's weird like that. Aeon Theory (Science) - [color=red]Anna Magi[/color] A Crash Course on the Continued Existence of Nevada (History) -[color=f7976a]Meliona Featherstep[/color] The Problem with Concepts and Numbers (Math) - [color=steelblue] Aurelia Borealis[/color] The Species That Inhabit Our World (Social Studies) - [color=a2d39c]Gilfrid Greenhorn[/color] Self-Defense, and How NOT to Kill Yourself with Your Own Power (Combat, Taught by the Headmaster) Dazzling the Universe (Arts) -[color=f7976a]Meliona Featherstep[/color] Being A Helpful Member of Society (Employment Ed.)- [color=purple]Hephaestus Sin[/color] Chaos Theory (For those specializing in Alchemy, Runes, Glyphs, Magic, Etc. A Goof-off Class for everyone else. Considered as a Control Class) - [color=pink]Hana Juniper[/color] Tapping into Nevada's Power (Existence Control) - [color=a2d39c]Gilfrid Greenhorn[/color] Creating The Universe (Creation Control) - [color=pink]Hana Juniper[/color] The Void As It Stares Into You (Destruction Control; only for Void users) - [color=purple]Hephaestus Sin[/color] [color=green]Current Students[/color] [color=yellow]Third Years[/color] •Lillian Halechstin [Color=yellow]Second Years[/color] •Arya Lightwood •Gwen Migale •Jacob Lightwood •Nephilis Bragwren •Yoru Noyuki •Ulrich Halechstin [Color=yellow]First Years[/color] •Airon Faulkner •Drew Sanders •Fredrick Malleus Entsetzen •Josephine Gale [color=f26522]Rules and Regulations![/color] [hider=The Rules] [color=f26522] 1) Metagaming, Godmodding, and other problems of the like are prohibited for students of the Academy. As powerful as characters MAY become, their beginnings will not be filled with them throwing around the laws of the universe. 2) Insults and the like are strictly not allowed in the OOC chat. If your character is the one insulting another, that is ok. If it starts to translate to personal attacks, I will give you ONE warning. After that, you're gone. 3) Character Sheets must be posted in the OOC chat. When you are given permission, they will be allowed to be posted in the Character tab. 3a) Any changes done must be brought to my attention before they are implemented. 3b) Please read about the Teachers. Their bio's give some valuable info. 4) If a Character is deemed to be too powerful (at the start), then suggestions will be made for balancing. Again, a character may become powerful in the FUTURE, not right off the bat. 5) When creating a character of the Animal/ Beast species, please PM me in order to validate whether or not that creature can use Aeon. 6) Each user can post up to TWO main characters. Additional side characters for RP usage must be given approval first. 6a) If it suits your character, you may create anything from people to entire countries in order to give your characters life instead of using the given places and areas (Within reason; and this doesn't extend to Races). The world of Nevada is ever changing and without limits, an infinitely large world with different sub-cultures is not unheard of. But, of course, message me before you add anything to the world. 7) You must post at least once every two weeks. If you cannot comply with this rule, please notify me. 8) You may not kill another person's character, unless they give permission. If the situation demands it, you have the ability to kill an NPC. Please notify me before you go through with it, so I may ready a grave for the NPC [s]or your character[/s] 9) Please ask if you have any questions. I will answer them to the best of my ability to do so. 10) When making an IC post, mention anyone who is apart of the post. It makes replying much faster and easier. 11) If you are new to the RP, or haven't been around for a while, check the 2nd post in the OOC. It will detail the current event happening in the IC. 12) Romance is allowed between characters, but anything R-17+ goes behind closed doors[PM] 13) Rules and info may be expanded and changed overtime. *If you have read the rules, then send me a PM that says: AEIOU in the title. [/color] [/hider] [hider=Character sheet] Name: Age: (can be from 2 to 500, depending on the species. Human first years are usually 17-18, but can be older. No matter what, though, they must be young in their own species' culture. Ex: A Kitsune's teen years are said to be from 200-300) Species: (If an Animal or a Daemon, please explain what kind.) Aspect: (Creation, Existence, or Destruction) Discipline: (May have up to two. One for new students, two for those who have had training. Discipline examples are Runes, Alchemy, Lightning, Spirit, Metal, A Daemon Arm, etc.) Medium: (How your character uses Aeon. Ex: Thoughts, Feelings, Eyesight, Gestures, A Transmutation Circle, A Stupid Wand, etc. Please explain how the use of it {or non use} would affect your character's ability with Aeon.) Appearance: (A picture may be used, but a text description must still be given) Personality: Bio: Electives: (May have up to two, with at least one being a Control Class. The Control Classes available are: Existence Control, Creation Control, Destruction Control, and Chaos Theory. History, Social Studies, Math, and Science are all Mandatory. Electives may be switched as the school year progresses) Extra: (ex: Graidy is afraid of pesticide) [/hider] [color=f26522]Most importantly, have fun within this wondrous academy![/color]