[b]Name:[/b] Aelia Tyrannson [b]Race:[/b] Anuirean [b]Gender:[/b] female [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Birthday:[/b] 47th Mauven, 284DM [b]Birthplace:[/b] Ebonfort capital [b]Resides in:[/b] Silent Rise [b]Occupation:[/b] Hunter (3Gp/day) [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQL0tqVQXHu8LE23K7tK0oVbiPhj1K7CncyG9Xs2F7pKcbxZzUMS1SL8Lui[/img] Staying true to the appearance of her ancestors Aelia has crimson hair, pale skin and light blue eyes. Her straight crimson hair brushes her elbows. The front is often pinned off her face with hairpins or pulled back in the beginnings of a braid, however, the rest is left unbound. Aelia possesses a height advantage over many, standing at 6'7". She has slim build, yet not slim enough to be classified as 'skinny'. Due to her career and her awareness to her fitness Aelia has some muscle on her and is quite well-built. She weighs 176lbs. [b]Personality:[/b] Alike to the Anuirean when they were a clan Aelia possesses a fiery attitude. She is very strong both mentally and physically and holds the ideal 'go hard or go home' seriously. Aelia is brutally honest and barely seems to have a filter and will often say the first thing that pops into her head no matter how cruel or pessimistic it will seem. She doesn't like sugarcoating her words and very rarely does. Sarcasm is a free service she offers, whether you like it or not Aelia is cunning and brilliant when it comes to tactics making her an ideal comrade on a warzone. She is fiercely loyal to those she trusts yet her trust is hard to gain, however, if you lose her trust it is almost impossible to gain. Under her brutally honest and tough demeanour, however, Aelia possesses a big heart and cares deeply for those she cares for but can also hate deeply when it comes to her enemies. [b]History (will start extremely basic but as more is revealed in the roleplay it will be extended on):[/b] - Grew up in Ebonfort capital with her parents, both of strong Anuirean decent. - showed an enjoyment of hunting at a young age - Only child - moved to Silent Rise as soon as she reach 'adult age' (16), proving her independence - Went into the hunting business Vermillo before her 17th year [b]Skills:[/b] Hunting +23 Intimidation +17 Wilderness Survival +12 Weapon (ranged) +11 Interrogation +10 Intelligence +9 Weapon (melee) +8 Tactics +30 (racial bonus) [b]Languages:[/b] Common [b]Possessions:[/b] Explorer's outfit 10Gp Traveller's cloak 1Gp Helmet- Skull cap 5Gp Studded leather armour 25Gp Iron Falchion 20Gp Short bow 40Gp 3x (10) arrows- iron tipped 3x1sp- 3sp 5x caltrops 5x1Gp- 5Gp Backpack- 2Gp [b]Ledger:[/b] Possesses house +0Gp Starting +100Gp Extra gear -8Gp 3sp [center][b]Total possessed money[/b] 91Gp 7sp[/center] [b]Story List:[/b] Date - URL - Characters involved Saffra, Day 3, 301 DM- [url]http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/92734-an-illegal-hunt-an-ebonfort-rp/ic#post-3441963[/url]- Gorrak and Talia (GM NPCs)