[quote=@ImportantNobody] Why I was trying to figure out some numbers is because vague stuff like, "he's strong enough to punch a bear's lights out" doesn't really cut it for proper comparison. Like how would that compare to being able to lift a grown man up from the ground with one hand and throw him across the room? Or lift 30 coconuts? If we don't use numbers and all pull out random feats of strength, all we can really do is assume they are just about equal in their abilities if we just went by the honor system. [/quote] What about listing how much the bear can actually apply in strength along side that description? I think in Iron's CS old version I described how he could easily lift a jaguar (surprisingly they are heavier than I actually originally thought for their size), which was about X amount of pounds, over his shoulders without much issue. I also stated numbers were alright, but when you get into math above comparison and into pure line and realistic (as in accounting every detail type) physics then things feel like they get a little sticky. It's not easy accounting, as I stated before, everything little thing in a textual fight. And positioning influences attack damage due to surface area hit. Honestly, every time you get into a fight aren't you already expecting the individual to play fair and uphold that honor system? Otherwise you would avoid the person and any fights related to them so you have to have some trust from the start to even battle them.