I agree with you in some regards, [@Darth] But in the two or three years I've been here, I began this weird love hate relationship with numbers. I joined and I refused to do numbers. And got a lil' pissy when the whole numbers thing was dropped on me. I then wholly accepted numbers. And got a lil' pissy when I saw that numbers weren't being used. And now once again I reject numbers. And I'm realizing the error of using numbers to the degree that we do, and I'm kinda pissy about it. I get pissy alot. Why? This exact argument that I've had a few times: (These are extreme examples, but he was AT THE TIME, THE HOST OF THE MULTIVERSE. SO IT COUNTS.) "Even though you let your teammate charge for eight whole turns, because the two of your characters are so much weaker than mine, it doesn't kill them." "Your character is weaker than mine on the character sheet. So even though my character doesn't have supernaturally strong eyes, it doesn't hurt their eyes." [b]Edit:[/b] Third Example, same guy. [i]"I didn't read your character sheet properly, didn't know that you could do that. Got caught off guard, and should have died. But because I'm stronger than you, it just knocks him unconscious."[/i] Trying to equate strength is the most unassailable bastion of dumb logic I've ever seen though. Because we always wind up trying to calculate how much force a punch is going to have behind it. We always try to explain how hard a character who can lift 100 tons punches. And always wind up in these calculations that literally require a calculator to do. If I'm doing math homework while writing up a character sheet, I'm not happy. If I'm having to do math homework to post one fucking time? I'm really not happy. If I'm having to do math homework just to chance at not losing a tournamnet? I'm fuckin' pissed. If I describe a character's strength, I'm not going to go outside of the bounds of the relative strength I've listed. I'm an asshole, not a cunt. I'm not going to cheat, and honestly, nobody else should be inclined to. [quote=@Fallenreaper] Honestly, every time you get into a fight aren't you already expecting the individual to play fair and uphold that honor system? Otherwise you would avoid the person and any fights related to them so you have to have some trust from the start to even battle them. [/quote] Quite literally this. If you don't trust the person that you're roleplaying against, then why are you doing it? "What about tournaments?!" There's a reason why I reserve my more unpleasant characters for tournaments, it's because it's going to force you into a situation where you aren't going to trust the person you're roleplaying. (Eventually.) It should be an honor system, even in a roleplay with a person you can't trust. If you can't trust them, force them to feel like a piece of shit and stay in your self assigned lane. I'm not saying that you can't do it, like. If you adhere to the Marvel Db's listing of Ton Classes, that's fine. But like. Don't try and calculate how much force goes into punching a hole in a brick wall. Fucking. Damn. Arena Roleplay is about Rule of Cool. Math isn't fucking cool.