[center][URL=http://s1190.photobucket.com/user/Guardian-Iatos/media/Survivorsofanewworld_zps72352a91.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z449/Guardian-Iatos/Survivorsofanewworld_zps72352a91.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center] [center][h1][color=Steelblue]Arc One: Kanto's Pallet town. '[i]From Whence ye came...'[/i][/color][/h1][/center] It was just after sunrise, a mild wind swept through Pallet town that for several years had been completely devoid of human life. Nature had reclaimed some of the roads and many houses were suffering from not being cared for in quite some time. In some of these houses pokémon now made their homes, some taking care of theirs slightly better of course than others. It was in one of these gardens near the pokémon lab that long since had been abandoned that Twillelix awoke. It was with a cough he felt like if he were brought to life and his senses suddenly sprung into effect and a sea of scents and sensatins awoke all at once. It was quite a shockign experience to say the least and he threw himself to the side as he coughed a few times more and shook his head wondering if he had got something in his throat in his sleep. Yet it settled near as soon as it began, and it was with a relieved sigh he laid back down for a moment. Then a few calming breaths later he looked around as the scent of the grass he laid in overflowed his nose. It was then it hit him, the simple question 'where in the world where he?'. Nothing around him looked even close to what he recalled, and everything were very confusing... he couldn't quite recall who he were either. He sat up groaning as he held his head, shaking it slightly as he rubbed through his head and his long ears... wait long ears?... another confusion, had he always had these long ears?... they were so soft to the touch and it felt so odd touching them. He realized he had a tail too, and some other confusing features. Eventually he got up on wobbly feet, nearly falling over to all four as standing on two legs almost felt unnatural. From a slightly taller perspective he looked around to see the rest of the garden, or well pokémon field it seemed... the fence around it was broken down from pokémons charging through it as they escaped years ago and no wonly those that wanted to live here remained rather than those left there by trainers. It took him a while to actually get a bit orientated on the area, but he still had no clue where he was. From his perspective he was behind a large building, the are he were in had been fenced off from the rest but thhe fences were quite obviously broken down. So by assumption he were in no form a captive here, he could easily just walk outside. In a reflection of a pond he noticed how he looked... Eevee like with clothing that at least felt familiar enough. Some creatures were around him, normal pokémon... he at least remembered were they were. But it meant he were a different specie than them... or different somehow. They didn't seem to like him intruding and it weren't long before a few of them chased him out of there as they seemed to respond with territorial instincts and he didn't simply want to get attacked as he had a big feeling that it was better to flee than fight. Once he were out of there they let him go... which calmed Twix down, but he didn't quite know where to go from there. When he were about to rest and think about what to do he realized there were other creatures that looked like him... same specie perhaps?... only one girl seemed to share the same features like himself... tall ears and a fluffy tail. Even if she was a different color he still felt like perhaps he could be related to her somewhat... others weren't as alike, but none the less he felt like they perhaps could give him a better clue who he was. [color=brown]"Hello?... Eevee-ryone."[/color] he said and suddenly stopped himself in surprise, 'Eevee-rion?' what was that sound he just made?... it was like a natural call... and still not, he know it was kinda poké-speech yet not fully. Shaking his head however he approched the girl first as she seemed to be close to his own specie... or perhaps even a sister?. :[@Eagenitheflamingkprince]